My Son

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Book: My Son by Marie Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Kelly
looked up placing the document he had been trying to read to the side and rising to see to his son.  However, the sound of the connecting door opening and her soft and reassuring clucks had stopped him in his tracks.
    He had listened as she lifted the now gently crying boy and felt such a strange sensation grip him as she had gently rocked Max in her arms.  In his minds eye he could see her holding the small boy against her cheek while she kissed and talked gently to him and the thought of her soft luscious lips made him yearn for her.  As she began to sing softly a gentle lullaby her voice had washed tantalisingly over him making his want of her burn even more furiously within his blood.  He could feel how she affected him and cursed himself for it.  From the first time he had set eyes on her, she had stirred him.  He had wanted her even then and this was no different, yet there was something new here, something he had never before experienced.  He had frowned.  It must be her link with Max he had finally decided.   Suddenly discovering he had a son had been a huge change to his normal controlled lifestyle and the love he had felt for his son had been instant and overpowering.  Yes, he had nodded to himself, he was starting to confuse his feelings for his son with those of the woman who had raised him, suddenly feeling an overwhelming desire to see Max as quietly he had left his room and in the darkness moved down the corridor towards the small child’s bedroom.
    Kelly had managed to put Max back into his cot and taking a loving look at the boy to ensure that he was sleeping soundly, had felt thirsty, feeling the need for a glass of water.  Slowly tip-toeing out of the sleeping child’s room and turning to make her way to the staircase, she had gasped seeing a figure loom up before her in the darkness.  Jumping at the sudden fright, Kelly’s hands had flow together to her heart, and she only just managed to prevent the scream from leaving her lips.
    “ It’s only me” the soft sensual voice drawled at her and her heart had begun to beat even harder.
    “I didn’t mean to frighten you” he said “I heard Max”
    Kelly had remained rooted to the spot, her usual closed look not yet appearing as she had genuinely looked shocked.  The sound of his soft laugh had done little to help.
    “I really am sorry” he stated “Let me kiss it better” he laughed , before gently moving forward and planting a quick kiss on her lips
    The sensation that travelled between them with this small touch was like electricity.    Surprised he had looked down into her eyes and the look within them had made his breath catch in his throat.  Her soft eyes had looked back at him with a smouldering look which she had not been able to conceal.  As they looked at each other for what seemed an eternity the hunger in his body had grown until with a mumbled curse he reached forward and pulled her into his arms taking her mouth with his. 
    He had felt as her body had shuddered and the hands grasped between them flatten to touch his chest.  As he kissed her, she had kissed him back, the passion flaring within her with the feel of him this close, her hands splayed on his hard chest setting her whole being on fire.  Kelly felt weak and leaned in even harder so that her whole body was melded against his, as his groan had spurred her on, her hands moved upwards to his neck and then her fingers were raking through his hair, pulling his mouth deeper onto hers.  She had marvelled at the feel of him against her and had moaned with pleasure as she felt his hand move upwards towards her breasts, cupping one and rolling his finger over her hard nipple.  Nothing else seemed to matter other than the need for him to touch her and to continue on this wonderful journey they both seemed to be caught up in. 
    She had felt practiced hands unbutton the silk pyjama top to reveal her perfect milky skin, and taking his mouth from hers he had surveyed

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