My Son

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Book: My Son by Marie Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Kelly
her swollen and hard breasts with dark passion filled eyes before kissing along her cheek and down her neck.  Everywhere his lips touched burnt with the most wondrous sensation and she had clung onto him with the need not to let go.  His head was bent as he had held up one perfect breast, shivering as she had heard him take a deep breath of admiration and whisper husky words she couldn’t understand.  She was beside herself with a passion she had never before felt, drowning in such turbulent emotions of desire that she was totally unable to control. 
    All she knew was that she wanted this man to completely take her and make her his , and arching her back against him she had pushed herself closer to him, feeling the hardness of his arousal against her leg, and with a low husky intake of breath he took her nipple into his mouth.  Kelly had felt that she could have screamed as the touch of him caused her body to explode into small shudders of delight.
    Just as it seemed she would completely drown in her desire she had felt him pull away slightly from her, whimpering not wanting him to stop, while a ringing sound had pushed its way through to her befuddled brain.  Suddenly the whole situation had come crashing down upon her.  Now she could hear the ringing telephone coming from his room and with a shocked cry she had pulled herself free.  With a small sound of horror she had ran to her bedroom door before yanking it open and fleeing into the safety of her room.
    Marc had stood shakily watching her go.  His hooded eyes reflecting the desire that consumed his whole body and it took him a while to fully recover.  He had cursed under his breath wishing her soft body back in his arms before pulling himself together and turning on his heels.  With barely concealed anger he had marched back into his room closing the door with a resounding thump.  God help the person on the other end of that phone he had thought.
    In her room Kelly had paced back and forth wringing her hands.  What had happened she kept asking herself, completely shocked by her actions.  God what he must think of me she had groaned in pain, before looking down she had gasped in horror as her top lay open revealing her breasts still in a state of excitement.  Pushing buttons into holes she had cursed herself again. 
    She wasn’t some stupid love sick teenager , so why had she behaved that way.  Kelly had always kept men at arms length, however, what really scared her was the way her defences had not even kicked in but collapsed in ruins at his touch, seeing her practically seducing him in the hallway.  Sinking down onto her bed she had put her head into her hands moaning.  How was she ever going to face him again? 
    That night s he had found it hard to get back to sleep; the memories of Marc’s lovemaking coming back to both haunt and excite her in equal measures.
    The next morning, carryi ng a happy playful Max, she had entered the kitchen to be met by a smiling Beth
    “Good sleep Kelly” she asked tickling Max as she walked by.  However, taking a closer look she had stopped on seeing how white and pale she looked
    “You OK hon” she asked a worried note in her voice
    Kelly gave a small smile to the worried woman
    “I’m fine Beth” she had answered with a smile
    “Didn’t sleep to well – all the excite ment and birthday cake” she had joked
    “It was a lovely cake – thanks so much”
    The older women had flashed her a warm smile, “glad you both had a good time”
    “ Where’s Mark” Kelly had asked as nonchalantly as she could
    Beth who was by now preparing some toast and breakfast for Max had answered
    “He’s got some big meeting on; left early said he didn’t know when he would be back”
    Kelly had silently nodded, thankful for the reprieve of not having to face him so soon after last night.
    The rest of the day had passed pleasantly.  Kelly and Max had taken a drive in the new car to one of the many beaches which

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