Bed of Roses

Free Bed of Roses by Harley McRide

Book: Bed of Roses by Harley McRide Read Free Book Online
Authors: Harley McRide
stupid though.”
    Sandman laughed, flipping up the amber liquid and gulping it effortlessly. Tonto shook his head with a snicker and followed, reaching to pour himself another before she had even taken hers to her lips.
    Rose never was one for hard liquor but given the fact she had witnessed a porn show that would make most professional porn stars blush and had socked a bitch in the mouth within the first twenty minutes after arriving, a little liquid medication was in order. She had assumed tonight would be rough, but nothing could have prepared her for this. Yet—here she sat. Instead of running for the damn door as fast as she could, she waited to see what else would happen. Working the fights had nothing on an MC party. So, she did what any woman would do. She held her breath and tossed back the liquid fire, swallowing rapidly to keep it down before she chugged her beer enough that when she unplugged her nose and took a breath, the fumes were tolerable. She had learned the nifty little trick of shutting off her nose while working at the local nursing home. The entire place smelled of stale urine and feces that it had her puking so much her first day of work the head nurse had sent her home and instructed she either learn to shut it off or find another job. She learned to shut her nose off, which made working there a hell of a lot easier until one night she witnessed a patient being mistreated and reported it. She was fired the next morning.
    Rose reached for the bottle but Sandman stopped her. “One’s enough. You stick with beer.” His voice came out harsher than he meant, but he didn’t think about it enough to clarify. If she was one of those females who needed sensitivity and lovey-dovey shit, she wasn’t worth his cock. He wasn’t and never would be a good guy, and didn’t pretend to be. What you saw is what you got, take it or leave it. There were plenty who would drop their panties and bend over for him if she didn't.
    “I’m sorry? If me drinking your alcohol is a problem, you might remember to share that little bit of information when you invite someone. I could have stopped by the damn liquor store on the way.”
    Sandman almost spit beer everywhere. Her attitude was another thing to chalk up to the Rose’s list of shocking attributes. “If you haven’t noticed, money isn’t exactly a problem. I just want you to remember screaming out my name when I fuck that sweet ass of yours tonight.” This time, he shocked her. She recovered quicker than he expected.
    “Who is to say you can make me scream at all, Sandman? Drunk or sober.” She looked up at him through her eyelashes, unconsciously licking her bottom lip. Her flirting didn't go unnoticed. Given the fact they both had to readjust their position and grab their crotch, she had more game than she thought. It had been so long since she had been with a guy, and even then, it was a stretch calling them men.
    Tonto leaned in on her other side, unable to sit observing. “I say. It will be both our names you are panting…and begging for more.” Sandman leaned in on her other side and trapped her between them.
    “We are going to fuck you like you’ve never been fucked, Rose. When we are done, your sweet little cunt is gonna to be raw.”
    Rose felt her panties soak through. She should be appalled at the way they talked to her, giving nothing but vulgar roughness but it didn’t. It had her pussy clenching and the spark of desire tingling in her womb. With the party in full swing, it didn’t help matters that everywhere she looked—she saw sex. Hot, raunchy, unrestrained sex. Group sex. Crazy sex. Hell, across the room straight in front of them was two chicks kissing with their clothes off. The blonde had two of her fingers in the redhead and finger fucking her deep, working her over good while she took a dick from behind. When the blonde brought the redhead to orgasm, she came, followed by the guy. Instead of them calling it a night, another took

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