Fated Forgiveness [Kindred of Arkadia 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

Free Fated Forgiveness [Kindred of Arkadia 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) by Alanea Alder

Book: Fated Forgiveness [Kindred of Arkadia 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) by Alanea Alder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alanea Alder
Tags: Romance
before visibly relaxing into Damian’s taller frame.
    “I’m worried about her. To her, we are her family, she loves everyone. It’s up to us to watch out for her
    tweaky little self.” Sebastian leaned against Kent. Seeing his opening, Kent kissed the back of Sebastian’s
    head and spoke up.
    “Let’s go make sure she’s taking it easy. Would that make you feel better, baby?” He asked. Sebastian
    nodded. Kent looked over to Liam.
    “Is that okay with you?” Kent asked.
    “I’d honestly feel better checking on her too. I don’t like that she has lost so much weight.” Liam
    agreed. Rian turned back around.
    “Okay. Liam, eat your alligators so you can head out.” Rian chimed in sounding more like himself. Rex
    couldn’t help the chuckles that escaped this time. Sebastian ducked his head, smiling. The mood in the
    kitchen lightened, but Kent could see that the entire pride took Rian’s concerns to heart.
    Kent thought it was amazing how much one small human could affect so many shifters. He couldn’t
    wait to spend more time with her.
    Chapter 6

    Kent couldn’t wait to get home. They had been at Rebecca’s all afternoon and he was exhausted. The
    petite woman never sat still. She bounced around like a ping pong ball, seemingly jumping from subject to
    subject as easily as she went from room to room. Sebastian was completely relaxed, as if he were visiting
    his childhood home. Liam watched Rebecca like a hawk, making sure she took it easy and showered her
    with a brotherly type of affection. Kent smiled, remembering the exuberant way she had greeted them,
    hopping around, excited to show them the cake she had made. The worried expression on Liam’s face
    clearly showed that he was afraid she would collapse at any moment, and he had only relaxed when she
    finally sat down at the table to eat with them.
    Kent looked down at his phone. It was four o’clock in the afternoon, they still had another hour before
    they could head home. Kent was suddenly unsure if a surprise party was the best idea. He was relatively
    new to town and had only been with his mates a short while. His earlier excited butterflies were quickly
    turning to sludge in his stomach.
    “Kent, you don’t have to sit by yourself like a lump,” Rebecca chided. Kent’s attention snapped to the
    “Sorry, Alpha Mother, I was just thinking about the dessert you made for us. I’m now an official fan of
    lemon drop cake,” Kent said glibly.
    “I can get you another piece,” Rebecca said quickly, her eyes going to the clock on the mantle over the
    “Actually, we need get going,” Liam said, standing. Rebecca gave Kent a panicked look.
    “You just got here,” she countered. Liam smiled and shook his head.
    “We can come back, Becca.” Liam laughed. Kent was about to speak up when he saw Rebecca’s eyes
    This should be entertaining
    “You don’t love me anymore!” Rebecca howled and threw her head into the couch pillow. Liam stared
    down at her in shock. Sebastian stood from where he had been sitting next to Liam and went over to
    Rebecca, giving his mate dirty looks.
    “You’ve upset her, Liam,” Sebastian accused. Liam’s mouth opened and closed like a guppy.
    Liam turned to Kent, looking confused. Not one to waste an opportunity, Kent shook his head.
    “You were really kinda harsh, Liam. Sebastian, is she okay?” Kent stepped forward, turning his
    attention to Rebecca, who was giving a world-class performance. When he looked back over to Liam he
    had to quickly turn away or give the whole thing up. The look on his Alpha’s face was priceless. Liam
    quickly crossed the room wedging his large frame between the couch and the coffee table.
    “Becca, honey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.” Liam tried to pull the pillow away but Rebecca,
    keeping her face buried, jerked out it of his grasp.
    “Rebecca, we can stay a little longer,” Sebastian cooed, rubbing her back.
    “I’m so

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