Bun for Your Life

Free Bun for Your Life by Karoline Barrett

Book: Bun for Your Life by Karoline Barrett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karoline Barrett
    â€œAny leads?” Brian asked.
    â€œWe’re working on a few things. Nothing I can discuss, though.”
    Of course not.
    â€œHer murder has really shocked this town. Hope you find whoever did it quickly,” replied Brian. “Please excuse us, Detective. We’re going to head over to the cemetery. Pleasure meeting you. If I can be of any help, drop by in person. Addair’s is right on Main. Call me about going out on the boat.”
    Corsino nodded. “Call me Sean. Will do. Thanks.”
    I watched Brian and Lola walk away. I caught a whiff of the detective’s cologne. The spicy scent blended well with the smell of fall in the air.
    â€œAny breakthroughs on Calista’s murder, Detective Corsino?” That was from Olivia, who had just come up beside me. She looked up at him expectantly.
    â€œHello, Ms. Williams. Still working on it. If you two will excuse me, I’ll go ahead and leave.”
    He didn’t literally wait for us to excuse him before he sauntered off, and was gone before either Olivia or I could even say good-bye.
    â€œI just thought of something,” Olivia whispered to me.
    â€œThey say murderers often come to the funeral of their victim. To gloat or something. I don’t know, but do you think the murderer was sitting among us in church?”
    I glanced around. The crowd had thinned, what with everyone on their way to the cemetery. “I couldn’t even begin to guess on that one, but it’s not a cheerful thought.”
    *  *  *
    The movers arrived right on time Saturday morning. I was up, dressed, all packed, and had my breakfast finished when their truck pulled up in the driveway. I’d asked for three men, just to make the process go faster.
    I ran downstairs and threw open the door for them, then moved the iron pig that sat outside in front of the door to hold it open for them.
    One of the guys came up to me with a clipboard in his hand. “Good morning. Are you Molly Tyler?”
    â€œGood morning, yes I am.”
    â€œI’m Pete. I’ll have you sign this and then we’ll get started.” He looked around. “Funeral home, huh? Are there . . . um . . . dead bodies around? We aren’t going to be seeing any, are we?”
    I refrained from rolling my eyes and delivering a loud sigh. Pete had to be at least six feet tall and two fifty. He was worried about dead bodies? Then again, he’s not the first person who, upon finding out I live on the grounds of a funeral home, have asked me if there are dead bodies around. Well, of course there may be dead bodies around, it’s a funeral home.
    Not to worry, I assure everyone, they aren’t going to make an appearance, demand you take them for a stroll around the block, then ask for dinner. The whole time I’ve lived here, I’ve never seen them frolicking on the grass at midnight. “They’re all napping at the moment.”
    He laughed, but probably to humor me. I really don’t think he got it. I signed the paperwork he handed to me on the clipboard, then let them do their thing. Something told me they wouldn’t be dawdling around, as movers are prone to do unless you keep a sharp eye on them.
    I’m delighted to report that once they removed my dresser, I found my phone, where it had fallen out of my sight who knows when. Olivia would be overjoyed. I blew the dust off it and turned it on. Nothing! The battery was dead. I tucked it in my purse, and made a mental note to get myself a new battery later.
    Brian came in a few minutes later while I was in the living room making sure they had gotten all the boxes to the truck. “Looks strange in here with all your furniture and stuff gone. Ed’s going to be moving in next weekend.” He grabbed my hand and held it. “Tell me again why we ever got divorced, Molly.”
    Now he wanted to discuss that? His hand was

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