Dominating Their Virgin Sub

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Book: Dominating Their Virgin Sub by Jenika Snow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenika Snow
that she was not only Griffin’s but his as
so good, Sir.” She thrashed her head back and forth and bit her lip once again.
Nikolas couldn’t stop himself from dipping low and dragging his tongue across the
abused spot. The little minx brought her own tongue out, moved it against his,
and sucked it into her mouth. He grunted and slipped his hand between their
bodies to rub her clit back and forth. She came right away and he couldn’t hold
off his own impending orgasm with the rhythmic clenching from her orgasm. With
a mighty groan he emptied his balls and filled her with his seed. Their sounds
of ecstasy filled the room as their sweat slicked bodies continued to rock
against one another. Nikolas collapsed on her, but used his forearms to hold up
his weight. Their breathing mingled as one, but even that didn’t cover the
harsh respirations of a third person in the room. He didn’t need to look behind
him to know it was Griffin.
    “You’re our good girl, Princess,” Griffin
called out from behind him.

    Chapter Seven
    Griffin watched as Nikolas finally claimed
Maylene. He hadn’t heard everything Nikolas had said to her, but had heard
enough to know his brother was falling for their gentle wife. Once he knew what
was happening between them he gave the two privacy to experience each other for
the first time without an audience. Now though, as he watched his brother clean
their wife before lying back beside her, he knew their feelings for one another
would only increase with time.
    Maylene opened her eyes and the smile she gave
him melted his heart. She opened her arms for him to come to her and he would
not deny her. He’d never deny her, not unless she was a bad girl. The thought
had him growing hard. Settling on the other side of her, Griffin brushed away
the strands of hair that fell across her forehead. Kissing her seemed like the
appropriate thing to do at the moment, but he also admitted to himself it was
because he was selfish for a taste of her. With her back to Nikolas he knew
that what he wanted to experience with her would push her to the brink of her
sexual experience. Griffin would make sure she enjoyed it just as much as they
would. When he looked at his brother, a silent communication that passed
between them. Nik knew what Griffin wanted, and what they wanted was Maylene at
the same time.
    “You trust us, Princess?”
    She didn’t make him wait for a response.
“Yes, always.” He kissed her once more before turning her so she faced Nikolas.
His brother immediately kissed her. The gentle slope of her waist drew him in
and he let his fingers trail along her smooth expanse of flesh. The flare of
her hips led way to the generous mounds of her ass and he massaged the globes.
“Do you know what we want to do to you, Princess?” She thrust her ass back in
silent confirmation, but he wanted her to say the words. “Tell us, Maylene.”
    “Yes, I know what you both want, and I want
to be the one to give it to you.” Nik groaned and took her mouth again.
    Grabbing the lube from the bedside drawer,
Griffin found his thoughts running wild. His cock became unbearably hard at the
images that flashed in his mind. Nik already placed her on top of him, and the
sight of her pussy spread and on full display had him moving quicker. He
gripped her chin and turned her face until she looked at him. For several long
seconds he didn’t speak, just searched her face. All he saw was unadulterated
lust and undying submission. He dragged his tongue along her lips then kissed
her once. The leather restraints were attached to the headboard, and when she
noticed them her lids dropped and her cheeks turned a lovely shade of pink.
After securing her wrists together then to the headboard, he looked at the
sight before him. The new position had her arms raised at the level of her
head. Her back was arched and her breasts thrust out. Nik took that opportunity
to suck her nipples into his

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