Dominating Their Virgin Sub

Free Dominating Their Virgin Sub by Jenika Snow

Book: Dominating Their Virgin Sub by Jenika Snow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenika Snow
head to her shoulder. He had never submitted to
another, never showed his emotions so freely. With Maylene he wanted to show
her everything about him, show her that she meant more to him than just a
full-time submissive. She let her hand trail through his hair and down his neck
in a gentle sweep.
murmured almost sleepily, “There is nothing to forgive, Master.”
    He let
his lips trail over her shoulder and to her back. He kissed and laved and each
and every mark he left, feeling his pride for his little sub grow. The ones on
her ass were raised and red and he dragged his tongue along each and every one
of them. When every single mark was kissed and licked, he gently pushed her
onto her back. She winced and he smoothed his hands along her, murmuring how
pride she made him, how perfect she was. A sigh left her and she smiled up at
him. The bliss that showed on her face told him that his wife was not just a
sub, but enjoyed the pain that his cane brought. How could he have been so
lucky as to have a beautiful, expressive and responsive female such as her? He
wasn’t worthy of her, especially with the way he had shut her out, but he
promised himself he would spend the rest of his life showing her that she meant
everything to him. He would care for her, lavish her with the affection she so
deserved, and maybe one day she would grow to care for him the way she cared
for Griffin. Her emotions were so expressive, and he had seen how she gazed
upon his brother. Nikolas wanted that from her.
brought his mouth to hers and kissed her deeply. He let his tongue stroke along
hers. The taste of her filled his mouth and he wanted more.   “Touch me, Maylene. Put your hands on me.”
The almost tentative stroke of her hands along his shoulders had a growl leave
him. He kissed her harder and faster. Their tongues pressed fiercely against
one another and her legs opened wide so he could fit between them. Her slick
heat surrounded him and he pressed his cock harder to the soft cleft of her
cunt. The way her labia parted for his length had him growing harder. He broke
the kiss but kept his lips a hairbreadth away from hers so she could feel them
move as he whispered, “I need your forgiveness, Maylene.” He rocked against her
and loved the cry that left her when he bumped against her clit.
forgive you, Master.” She cried out when he pressed into her hard. He took her
mouth in a bruising kiss at the same time he reached between their bodies and
placed the head of his cock at the entrance of her body. Pulling back so he
could look into her eyes, Nikolas didn’t wait as he thrust every hard inch into
her. Her eyes widened and her lips parted when he bottomed out. “ Oh .”
inner muscles tightened around him and he groaned. “You’re so hot and tight, pet.”
He pulled out slowly to give her time to adjust to his size. Each thrust he
delivered was measured and easy, but when her nails dug into the skin of his
shoulders and her whimpers turned into pleas, he increased his movements. In
and out he slammed into her, the headboard cracking against the wall with
surprising strength. Maylene took all of him and begged for more.
lifted onto his forearms and braced them on either side of her head. He stared down
at her body. With her eyes closed and her neck arched she painted a pretty
picture of a female in the throes of ecstasy. Her breasts shook from the force
of his pumping hips, and her nipples were red and peaked. Dipping down to taste
the hard berries was something he wouldn’t deny himself. He ran his tongue
along first one tip then the other until they were wet from his mouth and
harder than before. Never once did he stop thrusting into her, not when her
tight little cunt continued to pulse around his dick.   “You’re so receptive to me, pet.” He took her
mouth again and pumped harder, faster. His own climax approached and he wanted,
no, needed his cum inside of her. It
would be his mark, his declaration

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