Dominating Their Virgin Sub

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Book: Dominating Their Virgin Sub by Jenika Snow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenika Snow
    “You taste so sweet, pet.”   While Nikolas lavished attention to her front,
Griffin moved in position behind her. Despite Nik’s focus on her tits, he
guided his cock to her pussy. Griffin placed his hands on her shoulders and
eased her down onto Nikolas. Soft sounds escaped her and he took her chin once
more and swallowed the sounds of pleasure that left her. She broke the kiss and
sucked in a great lungful of air as Nik gripped her waist and started lifting
her up and down on his shaft. Lube in hand, Griffin spread her cheeks and let
the clear fluid slip down the crease. He did the same on his cock and used his
palm to rub the liquid up and down his dick. Taking hold of each cheek he
spread them wide then rubbed his thumb across the puckered hole. The sight of
him pressing the digit into her, working the lube into her ass was erotic as
hell. He let Nikolas work her on his dick a few more times then he stilled
their movements and moved into place. Gripping the root of his shaft he placed
the tip at her anus and slowly started to push in. “Bear down, Princess.” The
words came out muffled and hoarse. She was tight, hot and wet. Sweat beaded
along his temples as he worked himself inside of her. Inch by slow inch he
filled her until every part of his erection was buried in the tight confines of
her ass. He took a minute just to feel her muscles tighten around him then he
moved. In and out, slow and steady. After several long minutes of him
stretching her he pushed all the way in again. Nikolas took that as his cue to
    “That’s it, pet. Squeeze that pussy around my
dick.” Nikolas’s words sent her into a frenzy of small, broken noises. Griffin
started to move as well, and they worked in tandem. When he pushed in Nikolas
pulled out. Their movements were synchronized and precise.
    “That’s it, Princess. God, that is so it.” Griffin reached around and
cupped her breasts. The mounds were soft and her nipples were rock hard as they
rubbed along his palm.
    “ Ohhhh .”
She threw her head back and cried out her orgasm. Griffin ran his teeth down
the side of her throat and latched his mouth around her pulse point. They
fucked her harder and his balls tightened up as his climax claimed him. He
pumped his cum in her ass, feeling the pleasure climb higher when she clenched
around him. Nik let out a guttural groan of his own and their three voices mixed
as one.
    Griffin pulled out of her and let his
forehead rest on her moist back. For several long moments no one moved, just
stayed in position until they could all breathe easy. He moved away and went to
the bathroom to clean up. When he returned with a wet rag to clean Maylene, she
was no longer bound and now sprawled across Nikolas’s chest. His brother rubbed
her back and the words he spoke were low and intimate. He never thought he’d
see the day when Nikolas let every part of him be claimed by one woman. His brother’s
eyes were closed and a smile played across his face. Pure contentment
surrounded them and snaked out to ensnare Griffin as well. Just looking at his
brother and the protective cocoon he held around Maylene told Griffin his
brother was lost for their girl. If he didn’t already love their little sub, he
was headed that way.
    He cleaned her up and they situated her
between them. This is what he had been dreaming of when it came to a wife and
sub to share with his brother. Griffin let his eyes close as elation coursed
through him. Everything was finally how it should be.

    One year later, Christmas day
    The scent of cinnamon and the sound of
Christmas carols filled the mansion when they stepped into the vestibule.
Griffin and Nikolas flanked her and she was thankful they added an extra
buffer, not only to the wintery weather, but to also ease her nerves that
seemed to be frazzled. Nikolas helped her out of her jacket and leaned in to
steal a kiss.
    He whispered against her mouth, “Have I
mentioned how

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