Desperately Seeking Shapeshifter

Free Desperately Seeking Shapeshifter by Jessica Sims

Book: Desperately Seeking Shapeshifter by Jessica Sims Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Sims
Linking her arm in his, she more or lesspulled him to the back conference room, where they could set up his profile and film a short video to introduce him to others. He glanced back at me once but allowed Ryder to take him away.
    As soon as they were gone, Bath rushed over to my side. She touched my hair, frowning at the sight of me. “You look like Sonic the Hedgehog on a three-day bender.”
    “Very funny.”
    “How are you hanging in there?” Her eyes were concerned.
    “I’m fine,” I said, watching the door. “Where’d Ramsey go?”
    “Beau’s keeping him on the phone for a few minutes for me. He knew I wanted to talk to you privately before we launch this particular idea at you.”
    Uh-oh. Beau and my sister had been planning? Two busybodies were never so fearsome as when they were working together. “What’s going on?”
    “Clearly there’s been a change in plans,” she said. “The wolves didn’t call off like we expected. You and Ramsey are going to have to keep pretending until Connor gets bored and goes home to the wolves. I’m so sorry, Sara. We had no idea they’d insist on an envoy to shadow you. Beau is very concerned about your ability to shift, too. He wants either Ramsey or Connor with you at all times.”
    “So he thinks I’m going to die if I keep shifting, too?”
    To my horror, my sister’s eyes filled. “Sara, we’re all so worried about you. I don’t think you understand—”
    “I understand,” I said softly. Just because I wasn’t weeping about it didn’t mean it didn’t scare the shit out of me. Time to cheer my sister up. “Well, look on the bright side. Your wedding can still go on.”
    “No, it can’t,” she insisted. “I’m not getting married while your life’s a mess. Once this stuff with the wolves is figured out, I’ll be able to relax. Not until then.” She thought for a moment and then added, “And after the dance.”
    I gave her a puzzled look. “Dance?”
    Her eyes lit up. “Yes! Beau and I were brainstorming about how we could make a transition in the agency. We’ve had a few concerned inquiries, since we’re in control of so much private information and Giselle is no longer heading the agency. Since I’m in charge now and I’m a natural, not a supernatural, people are going to worry. Marie and Ryder aren’t supernatural either, and as their boss, I don’t think I could ask them to have a vampire or wolf bite them and turn them.” She gave a nervous laugh. “Though I guess I could ask if they’re interested in dating through the agency. Maybe that would help.”
    “What about me?” I said, strangely hurt that I was being discounted. “This werewolf crap should be good for something.”
    “Well,” she said as she twisted her hands. “It is and it isn’t. People don’t really trust werewolves since they’re not normally part of the Alliance, and you’re not a natural werewolf. Which kind of makes you neither here nor there. But,” she said, jumpingback onto her topic with enthusiasm, “we’re going to start doing Alliance mixers to promote the agency and to increase everyone’s comfort level with humans in charge.”
    “Mixers?” I echoed.
    “Yes, and we’re starting with a barn dance! It’ll be great. People who don’t normally get their profiles picked up can mingle with others, and we’ll get all the supes chatting. Even our were-mongooses might find that the were-snakes aren’t so bad after all if they give them half a chance.”
    I raised an eyebrow as she went into detail about her plans for the party. It’d be in a real live barn, provided she could find one to rent out. There’d be country music and hay bales (because what barn dance is complete without hay?), and alcohol, of course, because she wanted people to be relaxed for mingling. After a few minutes, she noticed my silence. “You’re not saying much. What do you think?”
    It was hard for me to muster enthusiasm for mass groups of supernaturals at

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