Truly Mine

Free Truly Mine by Amy Roe

Book: Truly Mine by Amy Roe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Roe
Looking down, I enjoy seeing her so peaceful and unguarded.
    It’s obvious she has a lot to hide. She’s not told me a single thing about her personal life, aside from what city she lives in. Of course, I already knew that she wasn’t married, and I could easily find out where she lives, down to the apartment number. If I wanted to abuse the tools and resources at my disposal, I would already know more about Truly than she knew about herself. Maybe I will dip into her past just a little. I haven’t yet decided. Once she leaves, I’ll have no reason to. But I’ll always wonder what her story is.
    As I’m standing above her, she suddenly sits straight up and gasps. It scares the hell out of me.
    I kneel down, so I’m eye level with her. “Whoa. Are you okay?”
    Genuine fear fills her eyes. “Oh, shit!” She plants her feet on the floor. She buries her face in her hands. “I’m sorry. Ugh…I’m so tired, but I can’t sleep.”She starts crying.
    I’m confused. “You were sleeping just fine when I was sitting with you.”
    Surprised, she looks up at me. “How long did I sleep?”
    “Well, I watched an entire movie, so I guess it was nearly two hours.”
    “Two hours? Really?”
    I nod my head. “You’re trembling. Did I scare you? You had a bad dream, didn’t you?”
    “I don’t know,” she whispers.
    I don’t believe her. She’s obviously distressed.
    I debate on asking her if there’s something going on, if she needs help. Right now, all I want to do is replace her fears with the peacefulness she had just minutes ago. I gather her legs in my arm and lay them back on the couch, and then I cover her.
    She resists me. “It’s no use, Tyler. I think I’m just going to head out. You can give Dara the paperwork for me, right?”
    “Lie down, Tru.” I lift the cover and squeeze in beside her.
    Lying on my side, I face her. She’s suddenly bashful and avoiding eye contact with me again. I take hold of her chin and tip her face toward me.
    “Sleep, Tru.” I softly kiss her on her lips and then let go of her face before placing my arm across her waist.
    Nuzzling against my chest, she relaxes as she sarcastically taunts me, “Are you going to chase my demons away, Tyler?”
    I hear a smart-ass grin in her tone.
    I’d like to put her under me and fuck it right off her pretty face. To my surprise, I’m more concerned that she sleeps before her trip back so that she does not end up in a ditch somewhere between here and New York.
    “I would if you’d let me.”
    Shifting to her side and scooting toward the back of the sofa, she makes room for me to lie on my back. When I do, she lays her head on my shoulder, and her body is against mine. She wraps her arm around my middle and puts her leg between mine.
    In just minutes, we drift off to sleep.
    I wake to someone calling my name.
    Christ, it’s the most annoying voice.
    My eyes open, and the sunlight assaults me. Truly is still asleep on my chest.
    “What?”I shout.
    “Would you like me to come back later?” Sophie says in a timid tone.
    Truly wakes up. Her eyes open, and they lock on the woman standing in my foyer. Her head lifts off my chest, and she turns, glaring at me. Clearly pissed off as all hell, she moves quickly to get up.
    Locking my arms around her waist, I hold her hostage and pull her down, so I can whisper in her ear, “Cleaning lady. Don’t move.”
    Without a single word and no further fight, she lowers her head back down to my chest.
    “Sophie, I’m so sorry. I’m afraid I forgot you were coming today. Could you please return tomorrow?”
    “Of course. I’m sorry to interrupt.” She backs away.
    A moment later, I hear the door close.
    “You’re adorable.” I slide my fingers through Truly’s hair and massage her scalp. “And well rested.” I lift my hips, pressing my morning hard-on into her.
    As she smiles up at me, her hand slowly finds its way to the waistband of my

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