held in two weeks' time. I intend to ask for a considerable increase in the funds allocated to the forest."

    "I still don't understand how that affects ..."

    "Can't you see, man?" Whitney-Evans' face had flushed red again. "Can you imagine the cost of evacuating the whole forest? The cost of quarantining 6,000 acres of woodland? Do you think they would even consider a rise in management allocation knowing the cost of such an operation as you are suggesting?" He raised a hand when Fender tried to protest. "But even worse, do you imagine they would even consider taking on such a huge responsibility? Absolutely not! It would be passed on to the government, who have tried unsuccessfully for years to gain control of this green belt area. Can't you see what they, the great bureaucratic they, would do with this land? It would become one vast concrete estate! Not all at once, I grant you, but a little at a time under the guise of economic necessity! Do you realize the value of this land so close to the City? My God, man, they'd eat away at it until there was nothing left! Oh, a few parks scattered here and there just for cosmetic purposes; but it wouldn't be a nature reserve anymore." The Superintendent began to pace the room in his anger and it seemed as if he had forgotten Fender's presence for a moment.

    "Look, I can appreciate your worries, Mr. Whitney-Evans, although I feel they're a little exaggerated."

    The Superintendent stopped his pacing. "Exaggerated? I can assure you they are not. I can show you countless court cases we've had in the past over the acquisition of forest land, not to mention the constant battle with the government who want to dissect and destroy the woodland with their monstrous motor ways

    "All the same, the law is quite clear on this: rat-infested areas have to be sealed off immediately."

    "Infested? What evidence do you have of that? You've seen a few signs that rats may be living in the forest and you can't even say for sure they are of the Black variety. Don't you think if the place were infested, the forest keepers would have discovered them by now?"

    "I don't know. There may just be a small group at the moment."

    That, even if it's true, would hardly justify putting the whole damned forest into quarantine."

    "Or," Fender continued, undaunted, 'there may be hundreds of them.
    Remember, after their near-extermination in London, those that survived would have become even more elusive than usual."

    Those that survived the extermination would have died of old age by now."

    "But their offspring would have inherited the fear. The monster Black has developed incredible intelligence according to all the reports: they would certainly know how to keep themselves hidden."

    Then, if that's the case, there can be no immediate danger, can there?"
    Whitney-Evans' voice had taken on a new tone, softer, almost coaxing.
    Fender decided he liked the man even less than before.

    Then why this sudden evidence of them?" he said firmly. "Why are they suddenly losing this timidity?"

    "Just a combination of circumstances, Fender. If and that's a big if as far as I'm concerned if they do exist, they still haven't attacked a human, have they?"

    "Not yet. But they might."

    "Look, Fender, I've stated my case quite frankly to you. Now, I'm not trying to prevent you from doing your duty, Lord knows I haven't that power, but I am asking you to reconsider your action. Why not investigate further before you recommend evacuation and quarantine? I have a staff of over seventy who I'm sure would be only too pleased to assist you in any way possible. My forest keepers and woodsmen could help you in your search. I'm not saying you shouldn't inform the Ministry, of course, you must do that, but all I'm saying is, don't jump to hasty conclusions. By all means, bring your people in, but surely we can keep what's the expression? yes, a "low profile" on this. Until you're absolutely sure. What do you say?"

    Fender shook his head

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