Strays (Red Kings #1)

Free Strays (Red Kings #1) by Emma Kendrick

Book: Strays (Red Kings #1) by Emma Kendrick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Kendrick
he got dressed and hurried to find Luke. As close as they were, one thing that the Macon charter president didn't tolerate was tardiness. It was worse if the reason you were late was a piece of ass. When he entered the meeting room, he saw Luke sitting at the head of the wooden table, a grim expression on his face.
    “That was quick.” Sarcasm dripped from his words, conveying his displeasure. “I sent for you, what... half an hour ago?”
    “Had to take a shower.” Dean's response was mechanic, his face blank.
    Luke raised an eyebrow, his skeptical look telling him he was on thin ice. Dean sat quickly in his seat near the head of the table and waited for the man to speak.
    “Now, about last night...”
    The atmosphere changed quickly once they started talking business, everything else forgotten. Dean sighed, grateful. That’s what he liked about his president, always to the point. He tried to focus on Luke’s words and hoped it would take the morning off of his mind.
    Things in Macon were about to get interesting. 
    Tyler parked his bike at the diner and looked inside. Jackie had just taken the order of an elderly couple that was seated near the window. Smiling, she went to the counter and started talking to Beth. The bubbly blonde looked to be in a similar mood, her face split into a wide grin. Tyler hadn't planned on going anywhere near the diner today, but after what had happened in the clubhouse, he just had to talk to Jackie.
    After seeing her off, he had gone in search of Dean so he could talk to him. He strode across the parking lot and into the clubhouse, passing by the meeting room on his way in. The door to it was wide open and Luke was alone inside drinking a beer. Tyler thought they had probably finished with the meeting, so he continued walking to the bedrooms in the back. Since he hadn't seen the biker walking out of the clubhouse, the only place Dean could be was in his room. He heard a few swear words come from the bathroom when he was passing by it and suddenly the door flew open, banging against the wall. Dean came barreling out and Tyler barely managed to avoid being run over. He didn't notice the man's angry expression at first, so he hastily called after him so as not to miss his opportunity.
    “D, can I talk-”
    But he couldn't even finish his sentence, as not only did Dean cut him off with an annoyed, “Not now,” but a scantily-clad blonde woman stumbled out of the bathroom after the biker, also calling his name and trying to follow him.
    It took a few seconds for everything to click in Tyler's mind. By the time it did, he found himself helping the hungover blonde out of the clubhouse and to her car, turning her advances down and forcibly keeping her hands away from him.
    When he was finished with her, the anger was rolling off of him in waves and he was battling the desire to find Dean and give him a piece of his mind. He thought of the biker as his friend, but Jackie was his family. Even if she tried so hard to make him believe that it wasn't such a big deal, he knew better. The fact of the matter was that Jackie and Dean would have to be around each other and spend time together. Things were undoubtedly going to become awkward. And seeing as half the MC saw him escort the blonde out and heard her spouting off about Dean going completely crazy while she was trying to give him head, he needed to tell Jackie about the situation before she heard it from someone else.
    So, with his mind made up, he had gotten on his bike and started the trip to the diner. Now that he was sitting in the diner parking lot, his idea seemed a bit impulsive. He wasn't sure that Jackie would believe him when he told her what he saw. And even if she did believe him, he could bet that she'd be her stubborn self and continue with her 'not a big deal' speech.
    Sighing, Tyler got off the bike and pocketed his keys. The bell on the door jingled when he

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