Ink (The Haven Series)

Free Ink (The Haven Series) by Torrie McLean

Book: Ink (The Haven Series) by Torrie McLean Read Free Book Online
Authors: Torrie McLean
and pulled back, the look flitting across his face for just a second letting her know this was about more than getting the order right. “C’mon, let’s eat.”
    And so the two friends ended up sitting cross-legged at opposite ends of the tiny battered couch that was resident in the corner of Sketch’s office, perfect for occasions such as this. Feasting on huge spicy burritos, sharing nachos and cheese and with the supply of Coronas sitting within arm’s reach on the floor.
    “If ya weren’t taken, I’d marry ya myself,” Sketch mumbled around a mouthful of food, clinking the neck of his beer bottle off Callie’s in a toast of sorts. The grin he shot her as he swallowed negated the question of whether it was a dig or not.
    “So, kid, you gonna tell me ‘bout this man of yours? I’ve already guessed I might not exactly approve, since you didn’t feel you could tell me before now. I’d probably still be in the dark if I hadn’t taken that call. So, come on, what’s he into? Drugs? Porn?” Sketch’s eyes widened as he thought about that properly, pausing with his burrito halfway to his mouth. “Shit, that’s not it, is it? I mean it, Callie – he comes at you with a camcorder, you knee him in the balls and get the hell out!”
    “Are you done?” Callie asked wryly, watching him get himself worked up over nothing. “He ain’t into anything like that. Michael’s ... He’s a good guy, Sketch. Seriously.”
    “I’m sensing a but .”
    “No buts,” she started, but that was less convincing and she took a long sip of her beer before trying to find the words to continue. “Look, he doesn’t exactly set my world alight, okay? But that’s hardly a crime. Or even his fault exactly. You just don’t have to worry about him treating me right or anything like that. Promise.”
    “Well, I suppose that’s something,” Sketch nodded. “So what does he do?”
    “He’s a lawyer actually,” she said, not expecting him to be impressed. He wasn’t.
    “Hmm. Don’t trust ‘em far as I could throw ‘em. But at least he ain’t some douche without a job, leeching off you. But I dunno – good guy, good job. Why the hell didn’t you save on all the aggro and just tell me, Cal?”
    Taking a deep breath, the little blonde looked him straight in the eye. “You remember my last birthday?” she waited for the nod, getting it after a few seconds thought. “And the guy who bought me the champagne?”
    Sketch choked on the nacho he’d just shoved in his mouth and went into a coughing fit, his eyes wide as he stared at her. “Tell me he ain’t as old as that guy!” he spluttered.
    “No as about it,” she sighed. “He is that guy. And while we’re doing bombshells – I kissed Colton. More beer?”

    CHAPTER 10
    Fluffing her hair in the reflective glass of one of the many framed photos that adorned the clubhouse’s walls, Lorena Lopez took a deep breath in the midst of the chaos and straightened her shoulders.
    Listening to the chatter of the women and raucous laughter of the Fallen Brothers, just audible over the pumping rock music, she realised she needed to act like she belonged. Even if she didn’t always feel it.
    She’d made an extra special effort - her shoulder-length dark hair sleek er and shiner than ever, nails done, cash she didn’t have splurged on a dress she couldn’t afford. It would be worth it though, to see the look on her man’s face when he saw she would make an old lady he could be proud of in front of his beloved brothers.
    All because this was no ordinary Friday night – this was the night they’d been so desperately waiting for all year. The night everything would finally fall into place and, in front of the packed out clubhouse, her man would finally be welcomed properly into the fold. And when Paulie was no longer a mere prospect, his patches earned through all manner of unpleasant grunt work over the last twelve months, she would be officially recognised as his.

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