The Billionaire's Longshot: Betting on You Series: Book Three

Free The Billionaire's Longshot: Betting on You Series: Book Three by Jeannette Winters

Book: The Billionaire's Longshot: Betting on You Series: Book Three by Jeannette Winters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jeannette Winters
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
planned. What do you have to say now, Donna? Everyone appeared to be enjoying themselves, except for one. There was no changing that.
    The trainer, a stocky forty-five-year-old woman, arrived and began her demonstration on some of the obedience skills each therapy dog is taught. Everyone seemed to be paying close attention, some of the owners even taking notes. That is when she saw them: Abby and Lil, both in shorts, were on the opposite side of the crowd, also watching. They came. Yes! She searched the crowd to see if their security force had also made an appearance. If they were there, they were not as obvious as before.
    Jill was going to make a point to see them once the demonstration was finished, but this time, she would keep her distance. For now, she wanted to find Ross and give him an update.
    Somehow asking Ross to help by tossing the ball around for the dogs had been misunderstood as she located him now playing football with the other the guys. I should’ve known. It was strange to see Ross relax with his friends in such a casual atmosphere. He looked like a normal man, albeit a really sexy normal man, but his whole body was relaxed, and it was nice to see. However, this meant she was on her own.
    As the demonstration ended, she gave Abby a quick wave and made her way over. “This is amazing. I fell in love with the little Shih Tzu she had.” Looking at Lil, Abby continued, “Do you think Dom would notice her on the plane?”
    Both women burst out laughing. “I can’t picture Dominic with a fancy lap dog. How about that one?” Lil pointed to the Chinese Shar-Pei.
    “I think Judy would get lost in all those wrinkles. Let’s keep looking,” Abby commented. “What about you, Jill; do you have a dog?”
    Oh how I wish! They were all so adorable. “Not now, but there was a Boxer giving me the take-me-home eye. The owner said he does that to everyone, just a big mush. Did your husband come as well?” She hoped he had, as it would show Ross’s mother her list was not as inadequate as she first thought.
    Pointing to where Ross and his friends were playing football, Abby answered, “He said he was going to talk to someone about business. Hmm. It doesn’t look like much talking is going on over there.” She chuckled.
    Jill’s initial concern that the Corisis would not find the event up to par quickly vanished as she saw Dominic raise his arms in a victory touchdown celebration.
    A moment later she saw Ross intercept a throw to Jake and score another one for the team. A competitive jock. Who would’ve guessed? Seemed Ross was much more complex than he first appeared to be.
    “I think we should cheer them on,” Lil suggested.
    A short break would do no harm since everything was quiet at the moment, and everyone was enamored with the dogs. Jill, Lil, and Abby headed over, and not long after, were joined by Elaine and Lizette.
    “I wondered where they all disappeared to once the demonstration started,” Elaine said, rubbing her round belly. “Glad to see Trent finally relaxing.”
    “This is refreshing,” Abby said.
    The good time was about to end as she saw Mrs. Whitman storming across the lawn, looking none too happy. Here it comes.
    “What is going on here? You’ve turned my home into a public park.” Her voice was loud and demeaning.
    Embarrassed, she immediately began to apologize. “Mrs. Whitman, I’m sorry. If there is any damage to your property, I will take care of it.”
    She squinted her eyes and looked at her from head to toe. “You? And how do you think you would be able to pay for such repairs?”
    Once again she hadn’t thought that through. She didn’t have any money. If it wasn’t for Elaine letting her use her old apartment for free, she wouldn’t even have a roof over her head. She was so caught up in what was being said to her, she never noticed the men had stopped their game to come stand beside them.
    “Mother, you are being rude. You need to apologize to Jill,” Ross

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