The Frightened Man

Free The Frightened Man by Kenneth Cameron

Book: The Frightened Man by Kenneth Cameron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kenneth Cameron
hieratic cooing of, say, Emma Gosden. ‘So tell me about this man you’ve been going on about.’
    Denton was irritated all over again, ascribed the irritation to the hangover, which had abated but had left behind, like trash on a beach, a general unease. There was also in Guillam’s voice a little too much of the policeman, as if Denton were a suspect, not a witness. Or merely a looker-on. ‘I’ve really nothing to add to what I told Sergeant Willey. He asked a lot of questions; the answers are all there.’ When Guillam still simply looked at him, he said, ‘My servant can bear it all out.’ He sounded defensive and pretty silly to himself.
    ‘Yeah, we’re talking to him right about now. If he’s home.’ Guillam stared straight into his eyes. ‘I got one interest, Mr Denton - that it’s nothing to do with the Ripper. I just want to cross the t’s and dot the i’s and tie it in red ribbon for the great men who run Scotland Yard. So I’d like to hear your tale.’
    Then Denton realized that he really was in some murky way suspect, if not a suspect. And then it struck him that of course Munro had been in cahoots with Guillam when he had asked Denton to meet him here. To see how he would react. Denton looked at Munro, saw that he was perhaps a touch embarrassed. ‘Is this -’ Denton gestured around the Haymow - ‘just so you can quiz me?’
    ‘No, no, no,’ Munro said. ‘Georgie’s just being a good copper. He’s got to follow up the loose ends, see?’
    Denton glanced back at Guillam. ‘Am I suspected of something?’
    ‘Everybody’s suspected of something - that’s the copper’s way. No, you’re not suspected in this, unless it’s spinning a tale about the Ripper for your own amusement. Which would not amuse me.’ Guillam put down his empty glass. ‘Willey’s got his murderer—’ Denton saw Munro’s head come up, and his face must have shown his own surprise, because Guillam said, ‘News to you? - a nigger he picked up with blood all over him, drunk out of his mind and unable to say where he’d been. So you’re not a suspect, see? So please don’t give me a hard time, Mr Denton. If you don’t like talking to me here, I’ll haul your arse down to the Yard and show you how we conduct an interrogation of an unwilling witness - because you say you are a witness. Now, get off your high horse, you.’
    Denton felt a contradictory deflation at the news that Willey had the murderer, or at least a suspect; all at once, Mulcahy and his visit seemed irrelevant. He made the mistake of saying so to Guillam. Guillam bared his teeth the way angry dogs do and snarled, ‘Just because you’re a smart fella, don’t try to do my thinking for me!’
    Guillam would never have talked to Hench-Rose like that, Denton thought - he’d succeeded in convincing Guillam, at least, that he wasn’t a gentleman. Oddly, the offensive tone made him like Guillam a little, and he laughed. ‘What do you want to know?’
    Guillam grunted. ‘I read your statement to Willey and I think it’s a bit peculiar that this fellow - Mulcahy? - just happened to come to your house.’
    ‘I explained that.’
    ‘Just came to your house, started to babble, he did.’
    Denton tried not to sound defensive. ‘It’s the “sheriff ” thing again. He was frightened out of his wits.’
    ‘Tell me about that.’
    ‘How was he frightened? Tell me how you knew he was frightened.’
    Denton looked to Munro but got no help. ‘Are you two going to take me to see the girl’s room or aren’t you?’ he said, annoyed again.
    Guillam sat back, eyed him. ‘Depends,’ he said. He began working a thumbnail between his front teeth, moved the nail to the right into the next crevice, then the next, then turned the nail horizontally and chewed it. ‘I’m thinking of doing you a service here. In return, I’d like some information. Then, if I’m satisfied, we’ll stroll down to the crime scene because I want to see what you

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