
Free Coletrane by Rie Warren

Book: Coletrane by Rie Warren Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rie Warren
over your belly.”
    I spread my body out on top of hers, making sure not a single spot of our skin connected. My face lowered toward hers, I kissed her wildly until she moaned hotly.
    Pulling back from her moist mouth, I returned to settle between her legs. My mouth right above her shell-pink cunt.
    “Now, tell me what you want,” I demanded.
    “Eat me! Oh God, please eat my pussy. I want your face—”
    Her voice died into a scream when I licked straight up the center of her slit to land against her clit.
    Hell yeah.
    My lips widened, and I made out with her entire pussy, sucking up all the slick moisture. I rubbed her with my lips and my tongue, my chin as she jerked and cried out. Pulling her sweet swollen lips open, I smiled. Wet red flesh. She felt burning hot on my mouth, and the longer I drove my tongue into her the wetter she became. I gave Sin one screaming orgasm after the other, my fingers diving inside, twisting, thrusting, my lips and teeth plucking at her clit.
    I ate the hell out of her, just like she’d asked. Her unrelenting shouts and ever-growing arousal as I lashed at her turned me on just as much as her.
    When she was nothing but a quivering, whimpering wreck—shivers streaking up and down her body and low moans tumbling out—I gave one last long slow kiss over her entire cunt.
    Rising up on my knees, I observed my blitzed woman.
    “Oh my God,” she sighed, her arms and legs lax in the restraints.
    “Guess what?”
    Her eyelashes fluttered up. “What?”
    “You taste even better than I thought you would.”
    Her cheeks heated even more. And I loved that she had a red sex rash on her tits rising up to her neck.
    I’d loved her good.
    Now it was my turn. My cock throbbed to the point of pain, still popped up from the open jeans framing it. I stood to shuck boots, socks, and jeans all the way off, Sin’s gaze wandering over me the entire time.
    I stood a solid six two of colorful ink over rippling muscles, and Sin took her time appreciating all of me. I flipped the hair on my forehead out of my eyes, rounding the bed.
    I untied her wrists then her ankles. Gently rearranging her on the bed, I scooted behind her, sitting with my back against the pillows.
    “Is that it?” she asked.
    “Does it feel like I’m done?” My erection pumped against her lower back.
    “Bingo.” I scooped her hair over her shoulders and brushed my lips down her neck.
    A very light sheen of sweat made her glow. I’d given her quite the workout. Reaching around her, I massaged one of her arms down to her wrist, making sure to knead out all the kinks. I repeated the tender ministrations on her other arm then kissed her neck again.
    Her head fell against me when she sighed.
    “How are the legs, precious?”
    “I can’t even feel them.”
    I chuckled, moving out from behind her. At the soles of her feet, I started working slowly up, just comforting her, gentling her.
    She looked absolutely blissed out, her eyes closed, her face relaxed, her body soft.
    That wouldn’t last long. One side of my mouth quirked up.
    Walking to the little bedside table, I picked up the cock ring and skimmed it across Sin’s nipples. Her eyes shot open as I placed it in her open palm.
    “Time to put this on me.”
    “You have touched a cock before, right?” Although I’d be pretty fucking pleased if she hadn’t.
    “Of course.” She sat up, huffing a lock of hair from her face.
    “Show me how.” I steeled my legs for her first touch, just knowing whatever she did was going to blow my mind.
    Her hand lifted and she wrapped the slender manicured fingers around me.
    I grunted her name and held her hand still. “Not yet.
    The ring had a hinged release, which I had a feeling I was gonna need, but I wanted to feel her pushing it down over my cock.
    I reached over and retrieved a bottle of lube. Flipping open the cap, I handed it to her. “You’re never getting that ring on me now without a little slick,

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