Designing Passion
special extras on your behalf. Okay, I have to leave for work now.”
    “Whoa, whoa, wait a minute. What do you mean a few extras? What the hell does that mean?” Fear raced through her heart as flashes of panicked imagination came flooding in, and she jerked her hand and had to grab for her wobbling juice glass.
    “Oh, don’t worry. I didn’t suggest you wanted a threesome or bondage or anything. Relax.”
    “Relax? Are you kidding me?”
    “I only suggested a little pampering and adventure might spice things up for you and take the edge off.”
    “Sweet Jesus, Laura, you’re going to be the death of me.”
    “Will you let me know when you hear back from Madame Eve?”
    “Of course I will. Talk to you later, troublemaker!”
    “I love you too, Tawny.”
    Hanging up the phone, the uncommon feeling of the corners of her mouth pulling back into a grin stunned her. Tawny picked up her glass of juice and sat on the stool at the island, the heaviness of her heart lifting a little as she took a savoring sip of the tangy sweetness. There hadn’t been a whole lot to smile about for a long time. She had become accustomed to being the eternal pessimist and overall wet blanket.
    She could handle the concept of sex, but the possibility of caring for someone else brought a rush of grief crashing to the surface again. Her smile shrank back into quivering lips as waves of anguish washed over her chest. Would she ever be able to let go of him? Maybe Laura’s idea had merit. A one-night stand didn’t offer the same threat of loss and devastation. Going into an anonymous experience, solely for gratification had the potential to distract her from her torturous grief and emptiness. With a deep, cleansing breath, she turned off the monitor.
    Six different designs ran on his AutoCAD, multitasking second nature to him, when the sharp ringing of the phone pierced his concentration. A heavy groan escaped him as he reached for the cordless unit.
    “Wyatt MacKenzie speaking.”
    “Hi, Wyatt, it’s Jackson Castillo.”
    “Ah, my favorite client. How can I help you today?” Releasing a laugh, Wyatt pulled out his planner, saved his online work, and opened a new file.
    “Wyatt, I got your email. The prelims you completed for the new site are exactly what we hoped for. We’re looking to move to the next phase of development.”
    Pulling up the drafting for the project, Wyatt clicked and tapped away at the design while he spoke.
    “Terrific. So have you decided on the style you want for the new site?”
    “That’s what we’re still not clear on. I have a proposal for you, though.”
    “Oh? What would that be?”
    “You’ve been a great architect and helped me put together some magnificent hotels for our chain. To put this project in perspective, I wonder if you would be willing to make a bit of a business trip for me.”
    “Where to, Jackson?” He stifled a chuckle. Jackson always kept him on his toes.
    “I’m sending you an email. I’d like you to stay at one of the hotels we discussed modeling this next site after, but there is a catch. While you’re gathering ideas that will fit the Rio locale, I have a personal matter for you to attend to as well. Take a look at the proposal, think it over, and get back to me.”
    “You’re sounding mysterious, Jackson—what are you up to?” Wyatt’s suspicions overtook his attempt at sounding aloof.
    “The email will explain it all. We’ll chat later. Let me know what you decide—I do have one request.”
    “What’s that?”
    “Try to keep an open mind.”
    “I’ll talk to you later; the missus is meeting me in Gina’s kitchen. We have some new dishes to sample. Bye.”
    Before he could respond, the phone went dead. Baffled and still suspicious, Wyatt opened his email. Dozens of messages downloaded and he scanned them until Jackson’s address popped up.
    The subject line had only a name: Madame Evangeline .
    Clicking it open, he grabbed his

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