Book: DEATH BY HONEYMOON by Jaden Skye Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jaden Skye
Marge’s husband Ralph - how silent and sullen he usually was. Was he afraid that Clint’s marriage to Cindy would affect his position in the family or his inheritance? He’d come from a poor family, was obsessed with financial security. She wouldn’t put it past him. And Marge and Clint were never close .
    Is that why Clint would never talk about the family? Could he have realized there was danger and not let it on? Had he kept all kinds of secrets from her? The idea of it horrified her, but she had to face the possibility, whether she liked it or not. The photo told her that something shady was lurking in his past. Was it possible that someone had a vendetta against him?
    Cindy felt her world start to shake, as though there was no longer solid ground to stand on. She could not rest until she found out what really happened. Nothing else mattered anymore.
    The door to the hospital room opened, and in walked Ann’s husband, Frank.
    He had just flow in from Wisconsin, and he looked exhausted and frightened.
    He and Cindy had never gotten on well. She’d always been an annoyance to him, seemed to take up too much of Ann’s time.
    From his expression, it looked like he held Cindy responsible for Ann’s injuries .
    Frank was a tall, heavy set man, who was street smart, did well in business, and cared deeply about his wife. He ran into the room the minute he got there to see Ann, barely saying hello to Cindy.
    Cindy got up and went into the hall, to give them time alone together.
    Standing in the hall, she thought how she never understood how Ann could have chosen Frank, or why the two of them were so close, but she was happy for her.
    Cindy’s heart contracted as she felt how much she missed Clint . If he had been here, Ann would never have gotten hurt. Clint would have picked up Frank at the airport and by now, the four of them would be going out for Chinese food. Clint had always liked Frank. The emptiness Cindy felt gripped her deeply. How would she ever get over this? She wouldn’t.
    She suddenly realized that it didn’t matter. Maybe it wasn’t about ever getting over it. It was about finding the truth, getting justice for Clint, stopping worse things from happening. There was no time for self-pity. She had a big job ahead.
    When Frank finally came out into the hall, his face looked ashen. He actually looked older than Cindy had remembered.
    “I’m so sorry about this, Frank,” Cindy said to him.
    He just grunted.
    “Ann will be fine.”
    “Of course she’ll be fine,” he said briskly. “She has to stay in the hospital a while though. Then there will be rehab. This is a nightmare.”
    “I don’t know how it happened,” Cindy murmured.
    “What do you mean you don’t know? Your brakes failed. Didn’t you have your car checked?”
    “It’s almost new. And I did.”
    “Hell,” Frank couldn’t stand talking to her, “there’s always something happening around you, isn’t there?”
    Cindy resented his comment. “Are you blaming me for the accident?”
    “I’m not blaming anyone. I just said, there’s always something. It gets exhausting.”
    “I’m sorry, Frank.”
    “Sorry isn’t enough. I don’t see why you don’t just come back to Wisconsin when your sister’s better and give her some peace of mind?”
    “I can’t. Not until I find out who killed Clint.”
    Frank stopped cold in his tracks then. “You got to be kidding?”
    “He didn’t die surfing.”
    “What in hell are you talking about now? Did the police tell you something?”
    “No. They don’t have to. I just know.”
    “Know what?” Frank’s eyes were spinning. He was beginning to look ill.
     “You know how the family couldn’t bear anyone of Clint’s girlfriends,” said Cindy.
    “And?” Frank looked terrified.
    “How do you think they felt about me taking him away from them for good? Just think about it for a minute.”
    “Oh Jesus,” Frank called out. “You’re going nuts.”
    “Whoever killed him,

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