Take the Key and Lock Her Up

Free Take the Key and Lock Her Up by Lena Diaz

Book: Take the Key and Lock Her Up by Lena Diaz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lena Diaz
their hands, joined together, clearly puzzled by Devlin’s uncharacteristic
     display of affection. “You never call me ‘Dad.’ This is serious.”
    “Yes. It is.”
    “Well, since our entire family is back at the house, I know they’re all okay. So,
     whatever news you have can’t be that bad. Go ahead. Let’s get this over with so we
     can get out of this filthy bathroom and I can get you out of whatever trouble you’ve
     managed to get yourself into.”
    In spite of Alex’s teasing tone, Devlin saw the worry in his eyes. Alex knew something
     was horribly wrong, but he couldn’t fathom what it might be. Devlin eased into his
     story, starting with hearing O’Malley’s call for help on the scanner while on the
     road to Alex’s house.
    The whole time Devlin spoke, Alex listened intently. He seemed to weigh and sift through
     each of Devlin’s statements, as if warily waiting for that one piece of terrible news
     he instinctively knew was coming.
    And then Devlin said the sentence he’d been dreading since the moment the coroner
     had held up the rings and bracelet with its little silver charms flashing in the sun
     like caution lights.
    “They’re performing some tests to be sure, but they feel confident they’ve identified
     the woman in that cell. Dad, it’s Carolyn.”
    Devlin didn’t have to tell him which Carolyn. The knowledge was in Alex’s eyes, a tightening around the corners, the dilating
     of his pupils, the slight catch of his breath. His hand slid from Devlin’s grasp and
     he stepped back, as if he could no longer bear to be touched, as if he could deny
     what he’d just heard if he could physically and mentally distance himself from everything
     and everyone around him.
    The blood drained from his face, leaving it stark-white against the backdrop of blue-green
     tiles on the walls. He shoved his fingers through his hair, leaving the normally perfectly
     combed mass sticking up at odd angles. His broad shoulders slumped, making his meticulously
     tailored suit sag and bunch. Where moments ago a strong, virile, proud man stood as
     the patriarch of his family, ready to fight yet another battle to save one of his
     sons from whatever the world had thrown at him, he was now a shadow of his former
     self, beaten down, his eyes glassy, looking so lost it made Devlin’s heart ache.
    He took a step toward Alex, but Alex shook his head and somehow managed to dredge
     up the ghost of a smile. “Give me a minute, son. Alone,” he whispered, his voice a
     raw rasp.
    “You sure?”
    He nodded, holding his smile, struggling to reassure his son, even though his heart
     was probably breaking.
    Devlin fisted his hands at his sides to keep from reaching for his father. “I’ll be
     right outside.”
    Alex nodded, still hanging on to his smile. Barely.
    Devlin stepped into the hallway, letting the door close behind him. His police escort
     was leaning against the far wall. He straightened and looked at the bathroom door,
     his brow raised in question.
    “My . . . lawyer . . . will be right out.”
    The policeman shrugged and crossed his arms, affecting a bored look.
    Devlin leaned against the wall beside the door and settled in to wait. Breaking the
     news to his father had been more difficult than he’d expected, and so had his interview
     with Emily. A difficult interview? No, more like impossible, disastrous, and potentially
     dangerous for both of them. He’d drastically underestimated her intelligence, her
     perceptiveness, and the depth of her insatiable curiosity. Even worse, he’d underestimated
     her effect on him .
    From the moment she’d drawn her gun on him in the basement, she’d intrigued him. He
     was both enthralled and amused by her courage, spirit, and tenacity in the face of
     danger. And those sexy freckles, her pert, upturned nose, and that curvy little body
     had his blood running hot every time he was around her. Which meant, when he should
     have been focusing on

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