Crazy Sexy Diet: Eat Your Veggies, Ignite Your Spark, and Live Like You Mean It!
track. For a list of additional reading and wisdom feast your eyes on the crazy sexy resources in the back of the book.
    Here’s a cheat sheet of yummy alky food and drink—have your fill!
    Alkaline water.
    Almonds, brazil nuts, sesame seeds, and flaxseeds.
    Cold-pressed oils such as hemp, flax, and borage seed.
    Moderate amounts of grains such as quinoa, wild rice, millet, amaranth, buckwheat. Exceptions: wheat, oats, and brown rice are mildly acidic.
    Grasses, especially superpowered nutrientpacked wheatgrass.
    Green drinks.
    Green veggies—all kinds, but especially leafy green veggies such as kale, spinach, lettuces, collards, mustard greens, turnip greens, cabbage, and endive.
    Lemons, limes, and grapefruits—although these fruits are acidic, they actually have an alkalizing affect in your body.
    Lentils and other beans—in general, all legumes (beans and peas) are alkalizing.
    Oil-cured olives.
    Raw tomatoes—but cooked tomatoes are acidic.
    Root veggies, such as sweet potatoes, potatoes, turnips, jicama, daikon, and burdock.
    Stevia (a sweetener).
    Here’s a list of some of the offenders on the 40/20 part of the CSD. Consuming them in moderation, limiting them to occasional indulgences, or eliminating them entirely is recommended.
    Animal protein: red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, dairy products (these products are highly acidic).
    Chemicals, drugs, cigs, heavy metals, pesticides, preservatives.
    Coffee (even decaf), black tea.
    Heavily processed foods, no matter what they are made of.
    Honey, corn syrup, brown sugar, fructose.
    Ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard (use sparingly).
    Some legumes like chickpeas, black beans, and soybeans are slightly acidic but are valuable staples of a healthy diet.
    Processed soy products tend to fall on the acidic side—enjoy them in moderation.
    Processed oils such as margarine, fake fats, trans fats, and refined vegetable oils.
    Refined grains, wheat, and oats: White bread, pasta, and rice are highly acidic.
    Soda, energy drinks, sport drinks.
    Table salt (sea salt and kosher salt are better choices in moderation).
    All salted and roasted nuts.
    White sugar and sugar substitutes.
    Yeast and vinegar (with the exception of raw apple cider vinegar).
    Soy sauce (use sparingly and choose lowsodium tamari or gluten-free nama shoyu).

    How do we know if a food is alkaline or acid, and by how much? The most common method is to incinerate a sample of the food and analyze the mineral content of the ash. Not something you can do with a chemistry set from Toys “R” Us. At any rate, if the ash is high in alkaline minerals, the food will probably have an alkalizing effect. That’s the theory, anyway. Because lab results and experts often disagree, the many books and Web sites that give alkaline and acidic food charts also disagree. Usually the disagreement is minor. In some cases, though, it’s much bigger.
    What I’ve done for this book is review all the reputable food pH sources I could find. I then applied my nutritional training to help me decide which sources were on the right track. Based on all that, I’ve come up with a mini sample alkaline/acid food list (see p. 35) to give you a basic idea of what foods to enjoy, moderate, or avoid altogether.
    Whether a food is mildly alkalizing or mildly acidifying doesn’t really matter very much. There are definitely shades of gray. What’s far more important is for you to have a basic grasp of how all this works in order to make better choices.
Love, laughter, and moderate exercise will help you maintain your acid—alkaline balance. Excessive GI Jane exercise is the opposite—it adds more acid to the body.
    Most fruits are slightly acidic (with the exception of avocados), because of their high fructose (sugar) content. However, in small quantities,

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