Forever After (Montana Brides)

Free Forever After (Montana Brides) by Leeanna Morgan

Book: Forever After (Montana Brides) by Leeanna Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leeanna Morgan
spine tingling attraction she felt for Sam. Walking through quicksand would have been easier than figuring out how she could be attracted to a man that had dumped her faster than a bad investment.  
    He waited, silently standing guard while she decided what to do. His stillness gave her mind purpose. The honesty in his eyes gave her courage.  
    Nicky craved the feel of him beneath her, around her, in her. Tonight would be for her. She’d take what he offered and demand more, filling her body with the smell, taste and texture of him until there wasn’t any room left for regrets.  
    After tonight, Sam Delaney would be scrubbed from her personal life forever. He wanted one night, and one night she’d give him. No doubts, no second thoughts.  
    Grabbing the edge of his t-shirt, she pulled it free of his pants before her courage disappeared completely. “One night,” she whispered.
    Sam sucked in a deep breath, closing his eyes as her hands trailed across his stomach. Leaning forward, he ran his lips against the side of Nicky’s neck, his mouth following the curve of her jaw. His hand brushed her breast, his fingertips moving in slow, torturous, circles until nothing else mattered except the need to touch and be touched.  
    Nicky leaned into his hands, needing a whole lot more than the gentle caress he teased her body with. Desire stormed through her body, leaving her breathless and light headed. With her mouth attached to his, she pulled him back inside the apartment, pushing him down into the sofa. His hands reached out to gently cup her bottom as she lifted her skirt, straddling his legs. Nicky sank into his body with the abandonment of a woman on the edge of reason.  
    Sam pulled her forward, growling in her ear as she used her legs to rock backwards and forwards. His fingers ran over the fabric of her dress, tugging at her zip. Cool air washed across her skin as her dress slipped off her shoulders, gathering in a soft cloud around her waist. His hands skimmed her hot skin sending waves of heat rippling through her body.
    Sam dropped her scrap of pink lace bra to the ground. “Undo your hair,” he whispered, his husky voice caressing her body. “I want to see it around your shoulders.”
    Lifting her arms, Nicky gasped as Sam bent forward, capturing her nipple in his mouth. Her back arched as he plundered her breasts, until all she could focus on was the pounding need building deep in her belly.  
    He raised his head, and her breath caught at the unguarded longing on his face. Sam’s hands moved slowly up her body, releasing her hair in a cascade of silk around her shoulders. “You’re beautiful. Everything about you is…”  
    Leaning forward, Nicky caught the last of his words with her mouth. He pulled her tight, groaning as she moved above him, grinding her mouth and body into his. A soft purr of satisfaction hummed through her body when his breathing turned ragged, daring her to push a little harder, a little faster.  
    Jerking his mouth free, Sam hands held her hips, swinging her off his lap. She smiled as he staggered to his feet, lifting her into his arms. “You’re coming with me.”
    He carried her through the apartment, doing his best to ignore her tongue and lips as she nuzzled his neck. Nicky laughed in surprise when he dropped her into the middle of his king size bed.  
    The laughter died on her lips the moment she looked into his eyes.  
    Sam reached for the bottom on his shirt. He watched her, watching him. A grin slid across his face as her gaze followed his hands. Her breath came out in shallow gasps as he lifted his arms, pulling his t-shirt over his head. Biceps flexed, rippling under sun kissed skin as he undid the top button on his pants.  
    Nicky’s mouth went dry.  
    His hand hesitated. “Want to help?”
    She shook her head. No. She wanted to watch.
    Licking her bottom lip, her gaze swept down his body, from the wicked grin on his face to the hand rolling his zip down.

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