SHADES: An Evil Dead MC Story (The Outlaw Series Book 3)

Free SHADES: An Evil Dead MC Story (The Outlaw Series Book 3) by Nicole James

Book: SHADES: An Evil Dead MC Story (The Outlaw Series Book 3) by Nicole James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole James
    “It’s just not gonna work, Sky.” His voice had a little more bite this time.
    She could feel her face turning red with the heat of anger, embarrassment and hurt. “And you waited until you fucked me one last time to tell me this?”
    He ran his hand through his hair looking guilty.
    She crawled out of bed, wrapping the sheet around her. “All the stuff you said before, did you mean any of it? Was it all bullshit? Was it?”
    “Sky, calm down.”
    “You fucking asshole.”
    “Babe, we had a good run. Let’s not end it being ugly to each other.”
    “A good run?” She gaped at him. “Is that all this was to you?”
    “Skylar, stop.”
    “There’s someone else, isn’t there?”
    He shook his head. “No, babe. That’s got nothing to do with this.”
    She stood there confused and watched him lean back against the dresser.
    “So, what was that, huh? What was that all about?” She flung her hand out toward the bed as she bit out the question.”
    He ran both his palms down his face, almost in frustration and then folded his arms.
    “Shades?” she pressed.
    “That was me saying goodbye, Sky.”
    She actually pulled back, so stunned was she by his answer. “You’re serious? You’re really saying goodbye to me?”
    He stared at her a moment, and then responded softly, “Yeah.”
    She turned, gathering up her clothes and moved into the bathroom, slamming the door. She hurriedly pulled on her jeans, bra and shirt. When she went to button up her blouse she realized most of the buttons were missing from when he’d ripped it open. Jerk!
    She stared at her reflection in the mirror over the sink, not believing this was happening. What had gone wrong? Last week everything was so good between them. She tried to think back to the exact moment that everything had changed. He hadn’t been distant the last time they were together. But after that, all week his texts had been short, and he’d never called. What they’d just shared had been so hot, and then so sweet. And then he dumps her?
    The pain of every time she’d ever been moved from one foster home to another came back. The feelings of rejection and not being good enough flooded her. What was the point of ever letting herself get attached to anything or anyone, or of ever letting herself care? It always ended. It was always torn from her.
    She thought she’d really found something with Shades. She’d thought she’d finally found someone she could trust and depend on and let her guard down with. She felt like such a fool.
    She brushed the tears from her cheeks, refusing to let him see her cry. Refusing to give him the satisfaction of seeing just how devastated she was. The only way she was going to be able to do that was to stop feeling hurt and start feeling angry. What an asshole dick move to fuck her one last time before he dumped her. We had a good run, babe. Don’t be ugly about it, babe.
    What a dick!
    And then her eyes fell on the rosary hanging over the edge of the mirror. He’d obviously taken it off before he’d taken his shower. Before she thought about what she was doing she lifted it off the mirror and shoved it in her pocket.
    She flung the door open, fully expecting to have to face Shades the moment she did, but he was nowhere in sight. Obviously, he’d gone downstairs. She peered over the rail and saw him down in the garage, pacing, talking on his cell phone.
    She moved to his dresser, opened a drawer and pulled out one of his tees. There was no way in hell she was leaving in this torn shirt. She yanked it on over her shirt, and as she pulled it down, her eyes fell on a roll of bills that had been stashed under the shirt.
    Thinking of what an ass he was being to her, she had no problem grabbing up the money and stuffing it in her pocket. Then she realized as soon as he saw her in this tee, he’d know she’d been in his drawer. Fuck. Glancing around, she spotted a flannel shirt hanging over one of the chairs. She tore off

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