Running From Fate

Free Running From Fate by Rose Connelly

Book: Running From Fate by Rose Connelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rose Connelly
other. “It’s not my fault. I can’t help it if men find me irresistible.”  Her lips pouted in a sad little moue that did nothing to distract from her beauty. “ I was born with this face.”
    “Perhaps, but y ou don’t have to encourage them, ” Mira replied without even bothering to open her eyes.  The argument was long-standing and comfortable, but it did exactly what she wanted it to — took her mind from her own problems if only for a minute.  It was good to have her friend here.
    Lily sat down next to her and put the bottle and cups on the coffee table.
    “Is that champagne ? ” Mira asked curiously. “If it is I might be persuaded to agree with you, a t least for one night.”
    “Be prepared to eat crow.” Lily pulled hard on the cork and it released with a pop . A fountain of froth y bubbles fizzed to the surface and almost spilled out. Q uickly , she filled her cup and licked the excess liquid off her fingers .
    “I concede,” Mira said as she held out a plastic cup. “You are the most maligned, misunderstood person in the world.”
    “I’m glad you see things my way.” She filled Mira’s cup and lifted hers for a toast. “To Mira, the best friend a girl could ever have. May she find happiness in her new l ife .”  She narrowed her eyes and glared menacingly at her friend.  A nd from now on may she always feel compelled to tell me everything .”   Her stomach rumbled loudly.  “First, though, I believe we need food.”  She sat back and looked at Mira.  “Since I provided the drink you can order the pizza, a veggie lovers would be nice.”
    “Fine.”  Mira pulled out her cell phone and accessed the web, quickly finding the number she needed.  “But no olives.”
    Forty minutes later Lily put away the extra pizza and came out of the kitchen carryi ng another bottle of champagne.  T hey had finished the first one.  The woman must travel with a suitcase full of the stuff, Mira thought somewhat fuzzily, as she took the offered cup and sank into the sofa.              
    After a few minutes, she turned her head and looked at Lily .  “There is no way,” she muttered, picking up their conversation where it had left off, “that I’m going to tell you everything, but I do tell you a lot.  I mean you ’ r e one of my best friends.”  Her brow creased slightly.  “You’re not still mad about the money thing are you?”
    “Hey I won.”  Lily flashed a grin before straitening up and pasting what she saw a serious expression on her face: mouth in a straight line and eyebrows pulled together.  “B ut you haven’t told me everything. I’ve known you for 14 years and I know when you’re hiding something. You could never lie worth a damn.” She put her cup down and sat forward. “Spill it.”
    “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Mira said. “You know all about the situation in California and I’ve told you about my money problems. I’m not sure what you want me to say. ”  Striving for nonchalance, she lifted her cup and drank . Unfortunately, she swallowed t o o quickly and started coughing.
    Lily leaned over and whacked her between the shoulder blades before grabbing the cup and refilling it. “Here,” she said holding out the cup. “Have another drink. It might loosen your tongue .”
    It was excellent champagne, Mira thought, and one more glass wouldn’t hurt.  Besides , Lily would eventually pry all the messy details out of her , so it might as well be now. She just needed a little more courage of the liquid kind because the explanation was bound to make Lily mad and that could be a scary thing. Despite having an artistic bent , her friend was very even-tempered. She seemed to channel all of her strong emotions into her clothing designs . When she did let loose, however, she was an unstoppable force.   She had never met James, but she had seen what it had done to Mira when he had effectively abandoned her and she hated the man

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