Sacred Knight of the Veil
important than your safety, Kerra, and I agree that you must obey the Lord Protector. Remember who he is."
    Kerra lifted her chin, her eyes glinting. "Anything else?"
    Blade picked up his goblet and sipped the wine, considering. "I may think of a few other conditions as they arise."
    "Within reason," Chiana stipulated.
    "Of course."
    She slumped with relief. "Then you will do it?"
    "I am surprised at what you will agree to for my help. Surely there are others who can do this just as well? Dye her hair, dress her in peasant's clothes, and she will be almost impossible to find, even in this city."
    Kerra gasped. "I will do no such thing!"
    "Ah, well, there is the problem. Already she is foresworn."
    Chiana rubbed her brow, resting her elbows on her desk. "Kerra, you must do as Lord Conash orders, you have agreed to it."
    "But..." Kerra glanced between them, looking uncertain.
    "Or stay here and become Endor's servant, if you wish," the assassin murmured. "I care not. In fact, I would rather not take on this odious task at all."
    "Odious!" Kerra's ire revived in a flash. "You should be honoured!"
    "Really?" Blade cocked his head. "Why should I be honoured to be nursemaid to a spoilt child who will try to treat me as a servant? To spend the next few moons running and hiding from the Cotti? Living rough in the forests with winter approaching? Personally, I would rather spend my time in a warm tavern with good ale and food, and sleep in a soft bed every night."
    Chiana watched the dismay on Kerra's face war with an imperious urge to argue with him. Her mouth opened, then closed, she drew breath to speak, then let it out again, her eyes darting over him all the while. The Regent pitied her, for the young Queen had never encountered a man such as Blade before, who spoke with such calm authority that he made her seem the inferior, and who clearly held neither her nor her title in any high regard.
    For the first time in her life, Kerra was being made to feel like a young, ignorant girl, and she disliked it intensely, but could not refute it. Kerrion had awed her with his high status, and the fact that he was her father, but had done his best to bolster her ego. In just one short conversation, Blade had let so much wind out of her sails that she was at a loss for words, something Chiana had never seen before. Kerra had never been called a spoilt child, nor encountered anyone who did not think it an honour to serve her. She gazed at Blade with confused, uncertain eyes, and he bestowed upon her his sweetest smile, which brought a hot to flush her cheeks.
    "Shocking, is it not, young Kerra, to find someone who does not consider it an honour to have you wipe your feet on him? Your mother found me somewhat trying at times too. She tried to teach me noble manners, so what little decorum I possess is due to her efforts. But even she could not order me around, and to her credit she did not try. I defied her often, flouted her wishes and even flagrantly disobeyed her, and all she did was rebuke me mildly. Do you know why?"
    Chiana said, "Because she loved you."
    He shot her an angry glance. "So you would have me believe. But it was more that she needed me to kill her enemies, save her lover, and protect her daughter."
    "Yes, she needed you, but she also loved you. She told me so."
    Blade swung away and walked over to the window to gaze out at the autumnal garden. "I did not come here to discuss ancient history, or the alleged emotions of our dead queen. I don't care what she felt for me. It's entirely irrelevant."
    Chiana inclined her head in gracious acceptance of his rebuttal. "As you wish, My Lord. Shall I make arrangements for Queen Kerra's departure with you?"
    "I do not recall agreeing to take her."
    "Come now, Blade. You know you will. Once more a queen has grave need of your aid. You will not refuse."
    "Indeed?" He turned from the window, his lips curved in a sweet, mocking smile. "And what shall my reward be?"
    Chiana glanced at Kerra.

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