She Likes It Hard
    Shane Tyler
    Copyright 2014 Shane Tyler
    Smashwords Edition,
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    DISCLAIMER: This story is intended for a mature audience only! Contains
explicit, graphic sex and language. Not intended for individuals
under the age of 18.
    AUTHOR’S NOTE: All characters in this fictional story are over the age of

    Some people like their women and short and
stacked. Not me. I prefer them long and lean, fit and athletic. Not
necessarily muscular (although I like that too) but toned and
tight. Long legs. Firm ass. Washboard stomach. And fake tits.
    I know, I know, I’m in the minority on that
last part, but I just love them perfectly round, firm but not hard;
as long as they’re not too monstrous I totally dig them.
    There’s another tangible advantage to
athletic women too; they can take an incredible pounding. Because
they work out all the time, pushing their bodies to the limits,
they’re used to pain and discomfort, relish it even, and this
applies to the bedroom also.
    Obviously it’s impossible
to always judge a
book by its cover (I’ve been with plenty of short, stacked types
who loved to get pounded too) but as a general rule, if you’re into
rough, aggressive sex, find yourself an athletic woman. But be
forewarned; they often like to dish it out as much as they like to
receive it, so if you’re not into that sort of thing, if you like
your women submissive and weak, then you should probably look in
another direction.
    That being said, looks aren’t everything
when it comes to having fun in the sack. I’ve been with many
average-to-below-looking women and had a great time fucking a good
many of them. But if you can find a hottie who is great in the sack
then you’ve got the best of both worlds.
    It’s hard to quantify what makes someone a
great lover. Obviously, attitude is part of it, but it’s more than
that. And while looks don’t have a direct effect on how good
someone is in bed, it’s certainly easier to get excited the better
looking someone is. But looks are far from the most important
    No, what makes a great lover are the
intangibles. Flexibility, willingness to do absolutely anything,
the ability to be intense or playful or just plain fun, not only
from one day to the next but even within the same session. The best
lovers enjoy being dominant just as much as being submissive, and
will willingly take on whatever role the situation calls for. Add
great looks on top of that, and you’ve got something special.
    Luckily I recently found a women with
everything. Her name is Tracy.
    She’s incredibly hot, with the tightest,
most insane body I’ve ever seen. Long and lean and athletic with
fake tits and the face of a model. Plus she’s nasty as hell,
willing to do absolutely anything at any time. She’s funny, she’s
smart, she’s self-deprecating, she’s well-spoken, kind-hearted, and
pretty much everything else good you can think of. And in the sack,
she’s a magician. It’s as if she can read my mind; she knows
exactly what I want at that particular moment, even if I’m not sure
    It’s incredible, really, how perfect a woman
she is. And even more incredible that I somehow got hooked up with
    I fondly remember the first night we spent
together. It was a chance meeting. We were at a party put on by a
mutual friend and were both in the back yard having a smoke.

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