Her Small-Town Cowboy

Free Her Small-Town Cowboy by Mia Ross

Book: Her Small-Town Cowboy by Mia Ross Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mia Ross
crackled in hazel eyes that reminded Lily of Maggie’s, and she was impressed by Erin’s spirit—and her generosity. Taking in someone else’s child couldn’t be easy. Taking in one who’d been abused must be exponentially harder. Apparently, Mike wasn’t the only Kinley with a willingness to tackle difficult situations.
    “Anyway, I just wanted you to know,” Erin continued in a whisper. “In case someone in town mentions it to you. Not everyone around here approves of a single woman taking in a troubled young boy, and you know how folks can exaggerate when they get to talking.”
    Boy, did she, Lily mused with a quiet sigh. Of course, she was used to people gossiping about her famous and somewhat notorious family, not an innocent child who couldn’t help the circumstances he’d been born into. She patted Erin’s arm reassuringly. “I appreciate that, but I always make up my own mind about people. Especially nice ones who give up their morning to shoehorn a bunch of squirming kids into food costumes.”
    They traded smiles, and Lily left the wings feeling hopeful that she’d made a new friend. She’d left her social circle behind in Louisville, and at any rate most of them were completely baffled by the direction she’d chosen to take. The few college acquaintances she’d managed to keep in touch with were scattered up and down the East Coast, immersed in their own demanding lives. Much as she enjoyed her job, being new in town had made for some lonely evenings and weekends.
    That was the main reason she’d volunteered to help with Gallimore’s new riding school. Because she refused to take any more money from her indulgent grandfather, the extra income would definitely come in handy. But to her, time at the farm was absolutely priceless.
    As if on cue from some unseen director, Mike caught her eye from his seat on the end of a row near the back. Abby was perched on his lap, and he slid down to make a spot for Lily beside them. A quick glance at her class showed them totally engrossed in the humorous scene, and the principal gave her a subtle thumbs-up. Deciding things were under control, she sat down to enjoy the play.
    “I’m surprised to see you here,” she murmured without taking her eyes from the stage.
    “It’s for Parker.”
    He didn’t say anything more, but there was a fondness beneath the brusque tone that gave him away. Then she noticed Maggie sitting to his right, and a thinner version of Mike beside her. Erin’s commitment to Parker was touching enough on its own. That her family shared it was something far beyond Lily’s experience.
    People she knew took care of their own, maybe donated some time or money to an important charity here and there. That anyone would step up and form a family around a lost little boy absolutely amazed her, but she knew if she made a fuss about it, Mike would just shrug it off. So she simply said, “He’s the pea pods.”
    Mike chuckled. “Yeah, he was complaining about that the other day. He hates peas.”
    “Who doesn’t?”
    The two of them grinned at each other, and fortunately the first song ended in a round of applause that covered the noise they were making. Through the rest of the presentation, they kept quiet, but a few times Lily noticed Mike’s eyes flick over to her. She couldn’t imagine why, but she was just vain enough to admit it was nice to know she’d gotten the attention of the handsome horse trainer. Even if he hadn’t bothered to mention her to his sister.
    Not that she’d do anything to encourage his interest, of course. But losing Chad Wellington to her younger sister had dealt a severe blow to Lily’s confidence, not to mention her ego. Their whirlwind romance and lavish wedding hadn’t helped any.
    Lily’s brooding came to an abrupt halt when she realized Mike had leaned closer to her. He smelled of fresh hay and soap, a down-to-earth kind of scent most men she knew avoided at all costs. It went along with hard work,

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