Down & Dirty

Free Down & Dirty by Reese Madison

Book: Down & Dirty by Reese Madison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Reese Madison
quickly and quietly so he couldn’t hear as he got closer.
    “Shh. Seriously.”
    “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” I looked around for one of our guys. Shit, nobody.
    The homely looking guy with scraggly hair and red eyes walked up. “Making new friends pet?” He asked taking her arm.
    “Let her go.” I ordered.
    “Fuck you.” He turned on me now.
    “Who are you to her?”
    “None of your fucking business bitch.” He slurred.
    Okay, I’ve been called that before, but only playfully. Calling me a bitch like this, was not going to go over well. I think I just grew a giant pair. “Careful, this bitch, will rip your balls off and shove them down your throat if you don’t let her go.”
    “Go ahead, give it your best shot.”
    Before he could finish I boldly walked up with my temper on High, grabbed his dirty jacket and kneed him as hard as I could right in the nuts.
    He doubled over reaching for me, “Ow! Bitch!!”
    I grabbed the girl and shoved her aside before kicking him in the chest knocking him to the ground. When you work in a bar full of rowdy bikers you learn a thing or two. This is only the second time I’ve ever lost it like this.
    He struggled to get up so I stomped on his groin knocking the wind out of him.
    I turned and saw Stacy, “Take her to Salina’s office, now!”
    Stacy immediately took the now crying and screaming girl away just as Joe showed up.
    “Carly!! What the hell is going on?”
    “This piece of shit is raping that thirteen year old girl, trying to pass her off like she’s old enough.” I struggled to say because I’m almost winded. Not from kicking his ass, but the anger that exploded inside me got my adrenaline going big time.
    Joe grabbed the guy and pulled him to his feet. “Is this true?”
    “Hey man, I don’t know how old she is. I just like tight young pussy.”
    “She told me she thinks she’s thirteen. How long have you had her?” I asked him as Joe kept his grip on the guys shirt.
    “I don’t know, her mama dropped her on my lap ten years ago.”
    Joe shoved him back to the ground and looked at the handful of our guys that had gathered now. “Tie him up in the garage until I find out what’s going on.” He took my arm and walked me to Salina’s office. “Did you just kick his ass?”
    “I don’t know, but if he’s been doing what it looks like he’s been doing, I’ll kill him myself if you don’t get rid of him.” I promised.
    Joe held the door to Salina’s office for me before following me inside.
    Stacy was trying to console the crying girl.
    I nodded for her to step back and knelt in front of the girl, “Hey, look at me. You’re safe here, he can’t touch you, not again.”
    “My baby. He’ll kill my baby.”
    I sat hard on the floor as memories slapped me in the back of my mind. “You have a baby with that bastard?”
    She nodded crying harder.
    I looked up at Joe. “Please, please go get that kid.” I begged as much for her as myself.
    “You got it. First I need to hear from her. What’s he been doing to you? All of it, don’t leave anything out.” He ordered firmly.
    She choked. “He makes me do whatever a wife is supposed to do. If I don’t he punishes me. He’s going to kill my baby.”
    “No honey, he’s not. We’ve got him restrained. What else does he do? Tell me now and we’ll never talk about it again, okay?” I begged her.
    She leaned down and told me in my ear. I don’t blame her. I couldn’t imagine saying these things out loud.
    I sighed and hugged her when she sat back up. She flinched trying to hug me back so I lifted her shirt. “Oh shit.” I turned to Joe.
    His eyes took on an anger like I’ve never known just before he turned and walked out slamming the door behind him.
    We all jumped.
    I looked at Stacy. “Go get Doc, and a bottle of whiskey.”
    “You got it.” She echoed Joe’s words.
    I looked back at the girl, “What’s your name sweetheart?”
    Fresh tears flowed,

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