Down & Dirty

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Book: Down & Dirty by Reese Madison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Reese Madison
Joe, “With his rap sheet he won’t be back. Sorry brother. This shouldn’t have gone down on your turf.”
    Joe took the mans hand, “As long as it’s taken care of.”
    “It will be. We okay?”
    “You bet. Just keep a better eye on your shit. If Slider hears about something like this again he’ll replace you.”
    “I will.” He looked back at the soon to be ex-member, “You want to do it? Or you want my guys to do it?”
    “I’ll do it. It’s my wife who found out, and my territory.”
    “He’s all yours. What about the girl?” Tiny looked at me.
    “She stays with me.” I insisted.
    He nodded. “Let me know if there’s anything else I can do.”
    “There is. You can get a donation together to help her get her life together.” I don’t know where that came from, but it seemed natural to ask.
    “Done.” He waved for his guys and left.
    I looked at Joe. “Wait until we have the kid in case he lied.”
    “No problem. Go get me a beer while we wait.”
    “Will do. Thank you, for standing by me, and up for her.”
    “This shit doesn’t happen in our club, not under my watch. Slider is going to hit the roof.”
    “He’s on his way back. When I called and told him I could hear Salina yelling at him to stay put.” Goat said sharpening a large knife. He handed it to Gunner, “Want the honors brother?”
    Gunner smiled wickedly and took the knife, “Fuck yeah.”
    I left to go get that beer. I’m afraid to ask what they plan to do with the knife. After getting Joe his beer and checking on Michelle I went to wait by the gate with a joint for the baby.
    When they arrived I had Doc check out the little one before hand delivering him to his young mother. She confirmed it was him so I went back to the garage to give Joe the okay.
    Slider walked in right as I was about to leave. “Hey Red. I hear you been busy.”
    “Just saving young girls from rape and beatings. All in a days work.” I hugged Salina.
    “Goat, give me the rundown then let’s get this over with.” Slider ordered.
    I took Salina’s hand, “I don’t want to see this.”
    She went with me happily, “No, you don’t. He’ll only scream for a few minutes before passing out from the pain. The knife is better, the last guy got his burned off and the garage stunk for a month.”
    “Oh gross.”
    “Where’s the girl?”
    “In your office. What should I do with her?”
    “Good question. Let’s go talk to her.”
    We found Stacy telling Michelle some funny story that seemed to have the girl more relaxed.
    Salina motioned for Stacy to stay seated when she stood up as we walked in. “Don’t get up.” She looked at Michelle gently lifting her chin, “How old are you honey?”
    “I think thirteen or fourteen. I’m not sure.”
    “You been with him all your life?”
    She nodded.
    “Well, you’re with us now. Nobody will hurt you again.” Salina went on to introduce herself and asked to hold the baby.
    I went over to where Stacy had booze and stole a sip, “You know anybody that can donate some kid stuff for tonight?”
    “Yup. My sister has a shitload of kids. Bitch breeds like a rabbit. I’ll take her there tonight, it’ll be easier since it’s so late. I called her a little while ago. She’s getting ready for us now.”
    I took a longer look at Stacy, “You really are going to be a good Madam. I’m going to start handing things over to you from here on in. Okay?”
    She held her hand out for me to shake, “Deal.”
    “Deal.” From that night on Stacy became the third musketeer. Salina, Stacy, and I will go through a lot of shit in years to come, but together, we come through it closer, and better for it.

    T he next morning I picked up Michelle from Stacy’s sister because Stacy was waiting for a delivery at the club.
    The baby slept in the back seat with Michelle. I’m borrowing an infant car seat from one of the members. I guess I better take this girl shopping. I looked in the mirror, “How you

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