I Remember You

Free I Remember You by Scarlett Metal

Book: I Remember You by Scarlett Metal Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scarlett Metal
because she was in love with the guitar player.
    He finally glanced over and noticed her. A big grin broke out across his face and he winked at her. She posed for him so he could get a good look at the outfit she had picked out for him. He nodded and gave her a smoldering look and she felt her sex pulse. She hoped he attacked her after the show. Or maybe she would attack him.
    The lights dimmed on stage and Lance changed his electric guitar for his acoustic. Jason came out from behind his drums and sat on a stool next to him. She watched with curiosity as the two men got settled on the stage.
    “How’s everyone doing tonight?” Lance asked as he leaned into the microphone. She smiled as the crowd went crazy.
    “Are you enjoying the show?” Jason asked with a grin, laughing as the crowd got even crazier.
    “Well, we want to slow things down just a bit,” Lance said as he adjusted the strap of his guitar. “Over ten years ago, I met someone that became my whole world. She was my reason for breathing, and I messed it up. I lost her.” He glanced back over at Samantha.
    What was he doing? Her eyes filled with tears as she listened to him.
    “Yeah,” Jason said. “He fucked up big time. She was the best thing that ever happened to him, but the asshole didn’t realize it until it was too late.”
    “Thanks a lot, man,” he said to Jason. He looked back at the crowd. “He’s right though. Back when we were together, I was working on a special song for her. I never got to play it for her and I never wanted to share it with anyone else.”
    The tears were running down her cheeks now as she listened to him.
    He cleared his throat. “Fate stepped in a few days ago, bringing her back into my life. I was lucky some other SOB hadn’t snatched her up yet. We’ve had an amazing couple of days and I wanted to finally play this song for her. Since I can’t sing worth a darn, I won’t subject you to that, but Jason will sing it for me.”
    He adjusted on his stool and turned around again to look at her. “Samantha,” he said into the microphone. “I love you. Thanks for giving me another chance.”
    The crowd cheered as he started playing the opening chords of the song. Her jaw dropped when she heard it. It was the song she’d walked in on him playing all those years ago in the basement. That melody had haunted her for years as it had been the last thing she’d heard him play.
    Jason started singing the words and by now she was openly sobbing.
    The man in the moon, he sheds his tears
His heart is lost in all his fears
He watches the love
That I haven’t earned
And with every mistake
He hopes that I’ve learned
I turn to you
My light in the night
You don’t have a clue
How you consume my sight
I’m lost to you
I’m yours for life
    The song ended and Lance got off the stool and came over to her, tears running down his own cheeks. He took his guitar off and she jumped into his arms, wrapping herself around him.
    Lance held her close, trying to get his emotions in check before speaking to her. He was going to wait until later to ask him to marry her, but now seemed like the right time.
    He pulled back, setting her back down on the floor and she kissed him passionately, her body pressed tight against him. The crowd was cheering and he had to get back out there soon. He ended the kiss and cupped her cheek in his hand.
    “Sam, I love you,” he whispered, his forehead pressed against hers. “Will you go to Vegas with me after the show and marry me? I want you by my side now and forever. I won’t let you get away again.”
    “Oh Lance,” she said, the tears flowing again.
    “I know this isn’t the most romantic time or place, but it feels right to do this now,” he murmured.
    She wiped the tears from her eyes and nodded. “Yes, Lance, I’ll marry you!”
    “Yes?” He asked loudly, making sure he heard her over the

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