Our December

Free Our December by Diane Adams

Book: Our December by Diane Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diane Adams
Tags: M/M Contemporary, Source: Amazon
Clark's idea. Jared hadn't decided if he would congratulate him or choke him. Christmas hadn't been the best day for Jared. His visit with his mom was the highlight of his day and that had been hours ago. Now he was in the midst of the party Clark insisted was a good idea. Jared's work crew, grown to four full-time guys and Clark, were all single. When he took over the business, Jared had no choice but to downsize. His lack of experience and lack of credentials kept him from being able to fill his father's shoes. The experienced men had no trouble finding other work, the reputation of JD Construction created a high demand for those who previously worked there. Jared hired young men who could afford to live on what he could pay and dug in to rebuild.
    "Dude, you're obligated to have a party," Clark told Jared, "You have to give one."
    "They get a bonus, that's enough." He didn't add what was in his heart. No Alex, no party. He planned a nice Christmas night alone, curling up with some bad Sci-Fi movie and a lot of popcorn.
    "Come on, it doesn't have to cost a lot. Have it at your house Christmas night. Everyone knows that Christmas day is okay, but Christmas night is boring . They can bring their girls, or their beer, or whatever."
    Jared raised a brow, shoving Clark into a chair as he passed. "No beer for you, junior," he said.
    Clark sprawled, pouting. "All the other dudes with old man friends get beer and all kinds of stuff," he grumbled.
    Jared laughed. "Get a new old man friend," he suggested. "Want some hot chocolate?"
    Clark perked up. "Yup. Do you have those little marshmallows? I like chocolate sprinkles." He followed Jared to the kitchen, taking his now familiar spot on one of the bar stools. He leaned on his elbows, watching Jared. Jared opened a box, pulled out an envelope, and tossed it at Clark. Clark snatched it out of the air.
    "Have at it, teeny marshmallows included."
    Clark made a face at the blue Swiss Miss package but got up to fetch his own cup for the microwave.
    To Jared's surprise, all the guys showed up for the party. Two brought girl friends, and two were dating each other, which was news to Jared.
    "I think there's a company policy against that," he muttered to Clark, watching them slow dance, nuzzling and kissing.
    "Against being gay?" Clark gasped.
    Jared slapped him on the back of his head. "Against employees hooking up," he said.
    Clark glanced at the dancers. "What's that called? 'The anti-employee hook up clause'? Dude, that's just stupid, look at them. I think you're jealous."
    Jared shook his head and went to check snack bowls. Clark was playing, but sometimes his teasing hit too close to home. Jared was leaning on the doorjamb leading into the hallway, watching the party, when a body pressed against his from behind, arms wrapping around his waist.
    "Did you miss me?"
    The breath was warm against his ear, a sensation that filled his dreams, but he'd never experienced. Alex slipped around in front of him and met Jared's look of shocked surprise with a grin that made Jared's knees weak.
    "Alex!" Even in his moment of surprise he remembered his restraint. Jared reached out to tousle curls that had grown back into their full glory, instead of pulling Alex into the full body hug he really wanted. Jared cupped Alex's smooth cheek. He couldn't tear his eyes away. "I didn't know you were coming home."
    Alex gave a half smile. "I wanted to surprise you," he said.
    Clark was there, coming between them, wrapping his arms around their shoulders. "It's a surprise birthday party," he informed Jared, guiding them to stand in the middle of the room. "Alex is sixteen today, Jared, surprise! Oh! Look! Mistletoe!" His mission complete Clark went to flop back down into a chair.
    Jared's gaze still fixed on Alex. "Sixteen, huh?" he said with a small smile, studying Alex, noting the many changes. The young man was taller and filling out. He looked more like the man he was close to becoming than the boy he had

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