Disney at Dawn

Free Disney at Dawn by Ridley Pearson

Book: Disney at Dawn by Ridley Pearson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ridley Pearson
Tags: Ebook
things by just looking at them. Very strange. But real. Jez dreamed the trouble here in the Parks. This was way before you guys were hired to be the models for the DHIs. She and I…we kind of ran away. Not recommended, I might add.”
    Finn understood the solar panels then: there were no parents. Jez and Amanda lived by themselves.
    “The day we got here, Maleficent put a spell on Jez or bewitched her or something. Jez didn’t even recognize me. Then you and the DHIs came along. Somehow, you released her right before Maleficent was captured. I wanted to go back after that, to the foster home, but Jez had more dreams. She keeps them in a diary, a journal,” she explained.
    “So, she can dream the future?” Finn asked skeptically.
    “Believe whatever you want to,” Amanda said, “or not. I believe the Overtakers have taken Jez prisoner to prevent her from interfering with whatever they have planned.”
    Finn’s skin crawled. He felt slightly sick to his stomach.
    She stared at Finn long and hard, her eyes fiery pinpricks. “I can’t expect you to believe any of this. Asking that is probably too much. I hope you do someday. I hope this makes us better friends, not worse. I’m trusting you in ways I’ve never trusted anyone.” She paused. Her breathing was labored, her skin flushed. Finn felt as if he might explode with anticipation.
    “And your powers?” he asked.
    “Sorry,” she said squinting. “Can’t say. Not now. Not yet, anyway.”
    “You and Jez are squatting. Here, in this house, this church. Whatever it once was. The solar power.” He pointed.
    Amanda eyed Finn cautiously. “You’re not going to tell.”
    “I’ve got bigger secrets than this, believe me.”
    “It was closed up. Abandoned. We always enter by the back. We’re very careful. Only once have I used the front door, and that’s when you and your mother dropped me off here. I wasn’t even sure it could open.”
    “And the neighbors?”
    “What neighbors? It’s stores and stuff. No one’s ever said anything. It’s only been a couple of months. The water’s on. It’s cold; no hot water, but it works. We shower at school. The toilets work.”
    “This is way cool.”
    “It’s not great, but it’s what was available. We had to think fast.”
    “Don’t Fairlies have money?” he asked.
    “If you’re going to tease me, we’re done here.”
    “Can’t take a joke?”
    “Not about that. And yes, I have an after-school job. But right now, I think we both could use some sleep.” She yawned.
    “No! We can’t sleep,” he said. “Wayne says if any of us—the DHIs—go to sleep, we might get trapped the way Maybeck did last time. He said the only way to protect ourselves is to find Jez, get her to safety, and then find and crash the second server.” He let this sink in. “We need your help. That is, only if you want to.”
    “Of course I want to.”
    He liked the idea of her being involved. She was the most unusual girl he’d ever met. He wondered what powers she might have and why she wouldn’t tell him about them. “You were going to join us on IM,” he reminded her.
    “Yeah, well…my computer access is through our local library. A little late for that.”
    “So what about her journal? Can I see it? Maybe she left clues or something. We don’t know what we’re looking for, and it’s a huge park. We’re all real tired, and we haven’t started. We don’t know for sure she’s in the Animal Kingdom. Wayne thinks so, but no one knows for sure. I don’t know if you can help, but—”
    “Absolutely. I absolutely want to help if I can.”
    She took off, out the bedroom and down the dark hall. A light popped on in the next room, casting a trapezoid of light against the far wall, where a mural of a woman’s stern face had been painted. She seemed to be looking at Finn. He ducked back into Amanda’s room.
    She returned, clutching a leather journal. Reluctantly, she passed it to Finn. “This is private stuff,

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