
Free Ravenwood by Nathan Lowell

Book: Ravenwood by Nathan Lowell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nathan Lowell
factor was late settling up in Kleesport.” He shrugged. “If something happened to the lorry wagon, then he might be delayed getting it repaired. One of the horses might have gone lame. Any number of things could be keeping him and he’s only a bit more than a week over due.”
    Amber sighed and the anger seeped out of her. “You’re right, husband. I know you’re right, but I can’t help worryin’.” She turned to Tanyth. “He’s bringin’ back a load of grain and dried goods for our winter stockpile. If he doesn’t get back, we don’t have enough food to get through the winter.”
    William grimaced and shook his head. “Maybe, maybe not. We have a forest full of game that hasn’t been over hunted and it’ll be weeks yet before snow flies. Bester won’t like it but he can make the trip to town if need be. We only need to get to Fernsvale to buy grain, and the potato and turnip crops are going to be very good this year.” William considered before speaking further. “We’re not going to starve. Not this winter. Last winter, it might have been different, but we’ve plenty and then some.” He grinned. “It might get a bit boring by spring, but we’ll be fed.”
    Tanyth dunked a crust of bread into her stew and savored it before responding. “Yet you’re willin’ to take on another mouth by invitin’ me to winter over?”
    William shrugged. “I see it as one more productive member of our community, mum. One who has the knowledge to keep the rest of us going and healthy.”
    Amber nodded. “I do, too. As William says, I’m being too hasty in this. He’s right. Our food stocks right now are much higher than we had last winter, and we still have a few months to gather.” She sighed and shrugged. “And Frank could be back tomorrow with the team.”
    Tanyth finished her stew, cleaning the inside of the bowl with the last bit of her bread before popping the savory into her mouth. “So, worst case, he’s run off and taken your money with him?”
    William shook his head. “No, our money is all safe in Kleesport. There’s nothing to spend it on out here. He’ll bring back a few coins but the majority of our funds stay in the bank in Kleesport. He’s authorized to purchase goods for us, but almost all out money stays in the vault there. The accountants keep it straight and we don’t get robbed out here.”
    “What if the accountants steal your golds?”
    “Then the vault-keeper has to deal with the King’s Own. They take it pretty personally. The King wants his tithe. He can’t get it from stolen money. Besides, we’re too small to worry about and we pay our accountant well to keep our affairs in order. The alternative is to keep the money here and we can’t protect it here. As long as we’re poor, nobody will bother us.”
    Tanyth eyed Amber and the look wasn’t lost on William.
    He sighed. “If we’re attacked, everybody runs into the woods and hides. It’s not much, but it’s all we have unless we go back to town and cower behind the city walls.”
    Tanyth made a sideways nod, granting him the point. “At least you’ve thought that far ahead.”
    “We’re right off the road, mum. Not that many dastardly people travel the Pike. There are too many chances to be spotted by one of the King’s Own, and too much trouble brings them down from Kleesport or up from Easton. You were walking the Pike alone, mum. You know what it’s like better’n us, I suspect.”
    Tanyth granted him that point as well. “Alright, then. Let me sleep on it over night and I’ll give you my decision in the morning. What are the terms?”
    “Terms, mum?” William seemed surprised by the question.
    “Terms, sir. Will you expect rent? How much support can I count on from the village? I haven’t been here to contribute to the larders so how much will I be able to draw? That sort of thing?”
    Amber spoke softly but it was evident that she meant every word. “Mum, Mother Alderton was a full member of our

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