First Position

Free First Position by Prescott Lane

Book: First Position by Prescott Lane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Prescott Lane
come to her.  He leaned over her and cupped her breasts.  She thrust her hips up to him, rubbing herself against him.  He stroked her cheek with his fingers, her skin so soft and warm.
    He looked into her eyes.  “Are you sure?”   She nodded and widened her legs, closing her eyes, as Mason slowly pushed himself inside her.  He quickly pulled out, and her eyes jumped open.  “I don’t want to hurt you.” 
    “You won’t.”  She kissed his neck.  Mason slowly placed himself back inside her, savoring how tight and wet she was, contracting around him.  He slid in and out.  She reached again for the pillow and squeezed but knew she owned him.  He slowed his pace, wanting the moment to last and for Emory to enjoy herself, too.  She pushed her hips up against him and squeezed tightly.
    He moaned her name sweetly.  “Em.”  Mason pulled her hands up over her head and held them.  He needed to slow down and stopped moving, keeping himself still inside her, as he kissed her breasts and sucked her nipples.  Then he began to move again, slowly in and out of her, her body quivering, with the tension building.  She tightened around him, moving her hips faster, encouraging him to thrust harder and deeper until she was there.
    “Oh God, Mason!  Yes!”  Her entire body shook underneath him, as she threw the pillow over her face, and screamed.  Mason continued to thrust, and finally let go, collapsing on top of her.  She tightened herself a few more times, claiming every last bit of him,  Mason staying inside of her, as neither uttered a word.
    Mason rolled on his side, pulling her in front of him and cradling her.   Wow .   He snuck a peek at her and caught her smiling, her eyes closed.  He looked forward to round two; indeed, there were multiple rounds -- and positions -- that weekend, as they dreamed about their future.  Mason talked about the NFL, and Emory dreamed one day to dance the “Rose Adagio” fro m Sleeping Beaut y , and when they got married, its music would play at their wedding.
    Then Wesley and Tomás returned to the apartment, stirring Mason from the past.  They saw Emory sleeping on his lap and gave him a wave before slipping quietly into Wesley’s bedroom.  Mason stroked her cheek.  Time was short, and there was so much uncertainty between them.  He had to catch a plane to Seattle in just over twenty-four hours.

    Emory woke up on the sofa, the light shining through the den windows.  It took her a moment to realize where she was.  She raised her head from the pillow, and saw Mason asleep, his left arm draped across her chest.   I slept next to a married man.  Not good.    She wiggled out from under his arm and hustled into her bathroom to shower quickly before her morning photo shoot.  With no time to wash her hair, she threw it into a messy bun and quickly got dressed.  She grabbed her equipment, a banana, and a bottle of water, then jotted a quick note, placing it on top of Mason’s cell phone.   I shouldn’t have kissed him, but it felt so good .   She touched his hair lightly and sighed before slipping out the door. 
    He awoke at the sound of the door, running his hands over his eyes, seeing Emory wasn’t there.  He peeked in her room and saw she wasn’t there either.  He noticed a picture of her and Eric on her dresser and cringed, massaging his arm aching from the night on the sofa.  It was all quiet.  He walked back to the den and saw a note on his phone.   Had to work.  Need to talk.  Meet at 3 in your hotel lobby.  Em.
    Mason took a cab back to his hotel.  Instead of going inside, he grabbed a coffee at a deli across the street.  Three o’clock seemed so far away.   What does she want to talk about?  Our past?  Future?  Eric ?   He hoped Eric wouldn’t be trouble.   What if she’s still in love with him ?   Eric obviously wanted her back.  Mason knew how that felt.
    He walked aimlessly around some streets, sipping

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