What He Craves

Free What He Craves by Hannah Ford

Book: What He Craves by Hannah Ford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hannah Ford
    by Hannah Ford

    Copyright 2015, Hannah Ford, all rights

    This book is a work of fiction and any
resemblance to any persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


    She was so innocent that first
night.   Her shirt unbuttoned, her
skirt hiked up, those full lush breasts straining against the fabric of her
bra.   I’d tied her wrists to my bed
using my tie and she looked up at me, waiting for instructions.
    “Are you ready?” I asked her.
    “Please,” she moaned.   “Please, Noah, I need you to fuck me.”
    “I already told you.   You’re not in charge of this.   I am.”
    I laid my body down on top of hers, my
hands running over those gorgeous curves.   Just the sight of her lying there was making my cock rock hard.   Her hips were full, her stomach soft with
just the slightest curve.   I took
my time, letting my hands roam over her smooth skin, teasing her with my touch.
    “Noah,” she whimpered.
    I kissed her neck, then slid the cups of
her bra down, letting those beautiful round tits out.   I ran my fingertip gently over her nipple.   It was taking every ounce of my
self-control not to take her right then and there, to just slide my dick inside
her and fuck her until she came, the way I’d done in the alley.   She’d been such a good girl then,
letting me have my way with her, not asking questions, just giving me what I
wanted, trusting me completely.   Of
course, things were more complicated now that she was technically working for
    But I didn’t care.
    I wanted her to submit to me, to do
whatever I asked of her.   She
stared up at me eagerly, her eyes big and wide, her skin soft and supple.   She wanted to please me, and that made
my cock about ready to explode.   But I needed to take this slow.   The things I wanted from her needed to be approached delicately.
    “Are you wet?” I asked her.
    She nodded.
    “Do you want me to make you come?”
    She groaned again, her hips writhing on
the bed.  
    “No, Charlotte.”   I reached my hands out and held her
steady.   “Stay still.”
    I unbuttoned her skirt, then slid it off.
    Her panties were wet, the folds of her
pussy visible through the sheer material of her thong.  
    I pushed her legs open.   “Beg me.”


    I was laying on Noah’s bed, my hands tied
to his bedpost.   My skirt was off,
my shirt unbuttoned, my bra pulled down.   It was the most vulnerable I’d ever been in my life, and also the most
turned on.   I hadn’t been able to
stop thinking about him ever since what we’d done in the alley, and now I
remembered why.
    He was so goddamned sexy.   His touch, the way he ran his hands
over my body, the way his eyes blazed when he looked at me…it made me feel pretty
and desirable and gorgeous, all at the same time.   The only other man I’d ever had sex with – my college
boyfriend, Dan – had made me feel ashamed of my body, like I needed to
cover it up.
    But Noah…
    The way he was looking at me right now,
the way his eyes raked over my body, the way he tied me up like he wanted to put
me on display…. I felt like the sexiest woman in the world.
    He’d pulled my bra down and taken my
skirt off, and then pushed my legs open, making it clear he was in control of
this whole situation.
    “Beg me,” he demanded.
    “Please what?”   He pushed my panties to the side, and his finger slid slowly
down my slit.   I was wet, slick,
ready for him.
    “Please fuck me.”   The words sounded foreign on my tongue,
dangerous and delicious.
    Noah grinned at me, a wicked grin that
made it clear he knew the effect he was having on me, and that he enjoyed
it.   His finger slid inside of me
slowly, his thumb making a lazy circle on my clit.   He played with me for what seemed like forever, his eyes
never leaving mine, the electricity between us thrumming

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