Wish I May

Free Wish I May by Lexi Ryan

Book: Wish I May by Lexi Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lexi Ryan
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
that’s why you need to let her go. Because you need some distance to figure out how you really feel about her. Right now you’re flying high on nostalgia. You need to know if you can forgive her before you ask for more.”
    I drag a hand through my hair and nod. I know she’s right.
    “I remember what everyone said after she dumped you,” Maggie whispers. “I remember the rumors.”
    “They were rumors,” I growl. “Nobody knew.”
    She shrugs. “But what it they’re right? What if the guy you found her with was the reason she broke up with you? What if she cheated on you? What if she was in Vegas, sleeping with some older guy, while you were here, waiting like the good boyfriend you were? Can you really get past that?”
    I stare at her. Because this is Maggie and of all people, she knows just how much I’m willing to forgive.
    “Not me,” she whispers. “I know you forgave me, but that was because you were trying to save me. That’s not the case with Cally. Everything is different with her. I’m not asking if you can forgive just anyone. I’m asking, can you forgive Cally ?”
    She’s right. There’s a difference. I’m not sure it makes sense, but it’s true.
    “Let her go, Will. As a favor to yourself. If all that destiny crap is real and you’re meant to be together, she’ll be back. Right?”
    I hang my head. Because she’s right.
    “Just let her go.”

N EW SCHOOL, day one. Drew walked, since the high school is only a couple of blocks from Dad’s. I offered to walk with her but she rolled her eyes and accused me of trying to make her the laughingstock on her first day at a new school, so I let her go on her own.
    Now it’s Gabby’s turn, and my stomach is a mess with worry. Aside from her one-word request last week— Stay —she hasn’t spoken. I already had a meeting with the school counselor and exchanged emails with her teacher. Everyone assures me they’ll work with her, but I hate that I can’t be at school with her to see for myself. My only reassurance is that at least I’ll be here. Here in New Hope, living with Dad for the foreseeable future.
    My boss at the spa back in Vegas has agreed to hold my job until the first of the year. I fought so hard to get into a position where I could support myself, and that job is an important part of the equation—great tips, decent salary, benefits. I need the income to help Dad support the girls. I need the income so I don’t have to rely on Brandon again.
    Would I have quit if my boss weren’t willing to work with me? Probably. Gabby needs me, so I’ll do what needs to be done. I always have.
    We drive to the elementary school. It’s only about a mile and we could walk, but it’s a hot day and I don’t want Gabby feeling self-conscious in sweaty clothes.
    I offer her my hand as we approach the building. She shakes her head, reminding me that despite currently having the speech patterns of a toddler, she is in fact ten years old and doesn’t need her big sister holding her hand.
    We walk through the front and head into the building. Once we get to the heavy oak door to her new classroom, she stops me, her hand squeezing my wrist.
    “I have my cellphone,” I tell her. “I’ll be looking for a job all day, but you call if you need anything.”
    Worry is written all over her face, and I find myself questioning our move for the hundredth time. I didn’t have a home for them in Vegas, so I assumed they’d be better here. I assumed I’d be able to work and send Dad part of my monthly check. But now that part of the plan is gone. What if I was wrong? What if uprooting them from their lives after Mom’s death was the worst thing for them? And now that I’ve chosen to stay, what if I can’t find a job?
    Finally, Gabby squeezes my wrist again, takes a deep breath, and heads into the classroom.
    When I turn around, I see Lizzy Thompson. She’s practically glowing, her smile is so bright. “Lizzy! What are you doing

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