Reckless in Moonlight

Free Reckless in Moonlight by Cara Bristol

Book: Reckless in Moonlight by Cara Bristol Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cara Bristol
Tags: Erotic Contemporary
undivided attention.
    God, that man could fuck. And lick. And kiss. And stroke. Lon considered it his mission that she didn’t just come but was fully, totally satisfied, and then he would rouse her again for an encore performance.
    As she moved throughout the day, her sore pussy would grouch, as would her reddened, tender nipples, but, if given a chance, she would take more of the same in an instant. For years, she’d sublimated her wilder sexual urges to Roger’s more conservative tastes. She hadn’t realized how boxed in she’d felt until she’d let loose with Lon. Dana sighed in contentment, smiling to herself over the rim of her cup. All in all, a most excellent evening.
    She’d left her mark on Lon too. She hadn’t even realized she was biting him until he’d said something. But he’d taken it well. What a trooper. She giggled.
    “What’s so funny?”
    Dana jumped, nearly spilling her coffee. Her daughter stood in the patio doorway.
    “Katie, hi.” Dana set her coffee on the table and motioned her daughter to join her. “What’s going on?”
    Katie plopped into the chair where Lon had sat. Even with her hair pulled into a messy ponytail and wearing frayed cutoffs, a faded tank, and rubber drugstore flip-flops, she looked beautiful. Dana marveled that she and Roger had created such a pretty young woman. It was as if Katie had gotten the best genes from both of them and none of the bad ones. She had long, thick espresso-colored hair, huge brown eyes, and perfect teeth that hadn’t needed braces. She topped Dana’s average height by several inches.
    “I came for a swim.” Katie fingered the straps peeking out from her tank.
    “I’m glad you did. Have you eaten? Can I get you anything?” Dana pushed against the arms of the chair.
    Katie gestured for her to remain seated. “I’m fine. I grabbed something on the way over. Jillian, Marissa, and I are going to a movie later.” Katie glanced up at the tree-house tower. “It’s quiet this morning. Where are the hellions?”
    “Camping.” Dana thought of Lon. Had it been only two days since he’d emerged from the fort? The sparkling pool caught her attention, its shimmer whispering of moonlight naughtiness. Dana averted her gaze from its sly glint and focused on her daughter. “You’re welcome to use the pool anytime, but it might be best if you called first.” Dana strove for a casual tone, glad she’d had the foresight to clear the table of the previous evening’s dinner remains.
    Katie frowned. “Why?”
    “My life is…a bit unsettled right now.” Dana did not doubt Katie would be okay with the age disparity and with her seeing someone, but she wanted to be sure she was dating before she delivered any formal announcements or introductions. A fuckfest did not necessarily a relationship make.
    “You mean with the divorce and all.”
    And all . “Yes.” Dana nodded.
    “Okay.” Katie shrugged, stood, and shucked out of her clothes to reveal a modest nautical-striped bikini.
    “You can use one of those.” Dana pointed to the unused towels left over from the previous night’s moonlight escapade.
    Katie nodded and scurried toward the deep end but stopped dead before jumping in. “Oh, Mother. Yuck!”
    “What is it?” Dana got up and rushed over.
    A circle of latex floated in the water. Dana almost moaned. This wasn’t how she’d wanted to announce she was seeing someone. Dana pressed her lips together to smother an embarrassed giggle and dropped to her haunches to scoop out the condom she’d lost the night before. Katie latched on to her wrist.
    “Don’t touch it! You don’t know where it’s been.”
    A tinge of heat stung Dana’s cheeks. “It’s okay. It looks unused. It’s still rolled up, and the chlorine would have killed anything anyway.”
    Katie looked doubtful. “Still. Use this.” She grabbed a net hooked on the fence and extracted the condom with as much care as she would use to defuse a bomb. “I wonder how it

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