The Islamic Antichrist

Free The Islamic Antichrist by Joel Richardson

Book: The Islamic Antichrist by Joel Richardson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joel Richardson
biased, we Muslims have a story that makes a lot more sense and is empty of contradictions! We believe that Jesus will come down to earth toward the end of the world time to fight the army of Satan which will be mostly from the “bad” Jews or “Zionist Jews” as we call them today, and the deceived from the Polytheist Christians or the Trinitarian Christians and the Pagan Polytheists such as Hindus, Buddhists, etc.… Some Jews and many Christians will be among the good and blessed who will fight with Jesus’ side. The army of Satan will be led by a person who will claim to be Jesus Christ himself. The Muslims will call him the Dajjal or the Deceiver. The real Jesus’ army will fight the Dajjal’s army and defeat him. The empire of Israel will fall, and the religion of Islam will prevail . 1 (emphasis mine)
    This is quite amazing. We see that as a direct result of the Islamic apocalyptic traditions, Muslims expect two Jesuses to come: the real one and the false one. By Mr. Abdallah’s admission, the Muslim Jesus will be identifiable by the fact that he does not like Jews; indeed, he is expected to attack andslaughter them. Likewise the “false” Jesus (according to Islam) will be clearly identifiable by the fact that He will defend the Jews. Thus, as we have seen, Mr. Abdallah and Muslims everywhere expect the Muslim Jesus, along with his leader, the Mahdi, to attack Israel and do battle against Him whom Christians understand to be the real Jesus. The battle of Armageddon as prophesied in the Bible may indeed be coming into very clear focus.


    W hile the information that we have covered thus far is certainly quite interesting, ultimately, if Islam is indeed the primary vehicle that Satan will use to fulfill his final rebellion against God, it is the Bible that must be the primary litmus test. What does the Bible say about the nature and the makeup of the Antichrist’s empire?
The Bible abounds with proofs that the Antichrist’s empire will consist only of nations that are, today, Islamic. If one were to do a thorough study of all of the various examples from the Hebrew prophets, it would be extensive. But for the sake of brevity and our purposes here, we will present a limited argument based on some portions of Scripture from the Book of Ezekiel and the Book of Revelation. Despite numerous prevailing arguments for the emergence of a revived European (Roman) empire as the Antichrist’s power base, the specific nations that the Bible identifies as comprising his empire are today all Muslim.
Pretty simple. This fact leaves us with only a couple of options. The first option is to assume that before the coming of the Antichrist, most of these Islamic nations will experience significant transformation and leave their Islamic roots behind. There are problems with this option. While there are ample reports of individual Muslims coming to follow Jesus from throughout the Muslim world, there are really no concrete signs of any of these nations abandoning their Islamic roots on a larger scale. In fact, many of the nations that we will look at arepresently seeing a resurgence of Islamic fundamentalism sweeping throughout their lands. Nevertheless, for years I have heard Bible teachers express that before the coming of the last days, Islam as a religion would basically fizzle out and become entirely irrelevant. The present reality and long-term statistical trends, however, simply do not bear this out.
The other option, a far more reasonable one, is to conclude that the Antichrist’s empire will indeed be Islamic. This fact alone should make most Bible scholars and students of eschatology consider the role of Islam in the last days very seriously. In this chapter we will examine exactly which modern nations the Bible says will play primary roles in the last days empire of the Antichrist.
    The Prophet Ezekiel lists the nations of this final

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