Three Days of Night

Free Three Days of Night by Tracey H. Kitts

Book: Three Days of Night by Tracey H. Kitts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tracey H. Kitts
    I just laughed and this time I closed the door. I wanted to kiss Hud all right, but definitely not on his forehead.
    Moonlight felt soothing against my face as I made my way past the fountain. All the sounds and smells of the night came alive and I breathed them in. It felt so good to have the hood off, to be exposed to the cool night air. The market was still open. I don’t think it ever closed. Hopefully, the guards hadn’t changed yet either.
    Max’s tall silhouette was easy to find against the city gate. Moonlight illuminated his dark hair, making it sparkle as the wind whipped it about his face. One look at him told me everything I needed to know. He was still human enough to respond to my presence. His heart was still his own and not a machine. I could tell this by the way it was beating now, hard and fast against his ribs. He was also starting to sweat even though the night was cool. I made him nervous, but the look in his eyes said he liked it.
    “You came.”
    “Not yet. But the night is still young.”
    He laughed. “After the impression you made on our leader, I didn’t expect to see you any time soon.”
    “I made a promise.” I took a few steps closer and the wind caught my hair up in sort of a mini-whirlwind. From the look on Max’s face, the effect was nice. I stretched my hand toward him and Max moved as if by command until my palm was flat against his chest. “Here I am, close up, without the hood.”
    His heart fluttered beneath my hand. “What’s wrong?” I asked.
    “I can see your fangs when you smile.”
    I could feel the subtle change in my eyes and knew they must have turned. When I’m about to drink and especially when I drink from someone so good-looking, the irises of my eyes will turn red. It’s a very dark, blood red, but still noticeable in the semi-darkness. It doesn’t happen when I drink synthetic blood, or even fresh blood from a glass. It only happens when I bite someone. I think it’s because the act of biting in itself is almost like sex. I temporarily penetrate them and with their permission, take from their bodies that which I crave. Vampires share a connection with their source of nourishment in a way that humans never have.
    “Does that frighten you?” I watched as his eyes focused on my lips.
    “No,” he said softly. “I read somewhere once that drinking someone’s blood is almost like sex to a vampire. Since Hud has taken an interest in you, I suppose sex is out of the question.”
    “What did you have in mind then?”
    Max’s smile was wicked. “How about a bite?”
    “I thought you’d never ask.”
    Max leaned down slowly, bringing his face closer to mine. I ran my fingers through his hair and brushed the long dark strands away from his neck. Our lips came so close to touching, there was little more than a breath between us when I turned away and pressed my lips against his throat instead. He shivered when I placed a soft kiss over his jugular.
    “You’re cold,” he said.
    Yes, I was. My body temperature had dropped to that of the dead once more. I would need someone else’s warmth to sustain me.
    “Can I borrow your warmth, Max?” I brushed my face against his neck as I spoke. “Just think, your blood will keep me warm tonight. Isn’t that what you want?”
    “Yes. Take it.”
    His voice was hoarse with desire and when I sank my fangs into his neck he moaned. Max pulled me closer, pressing the front of my body against his. Damn, he was sexy. If I didn’t have Morgan and my confusion over Hud to consider, I might have done more than just bite. The warmth of his blood flowed through me like a strong liquor. I didn’t want to take too much, never more than was offered, but he tasted so sweet. Was it because he wasn’t completely human? Perhaps the slight flavor of something more, something besides machine.
    I pulled back from him slowly and licked my lips, contemplating the flavor of his blood.
    “You’re more than human,” I

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