Official Girl 3

Free Official Girl 3 by Charmanie Saquea

Book: Official Girl 3 by Charmanie Saquea Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charmanie Saquea
Keiyari is three, Nyla is one. You two have only been together a little over two years. Do the math. Most women would be happy to have a man that wants to be in his kid’s life.”
                  “Now Mykell, I don’t know how many times I’m going to have to talk to you about this shit. I told you a long time ago that you were going to push Neicey into the arms of another man. You didn’t take heed to my warning and look what happened. She got into another relationship that almost cost her her life. This girl loves you without a doubt in my mind, she proved that when she took them damn bullets for yo ass. Me personally, I wouldn’t have done the shit. You don’t deserve it. You get mad because she doesn’t want to be with yo dog ass and when you two should have each other’s backs the most, you dog her out. How the hell does that sound? It wasn’t her fault that Romell got hit by that car. You had a good woman on yo side but you fucked that up and you don’t have anybody to blame but yourself.”
                  I looked at Neicey. “Baby girl, I understand that you love that damn knucklehead over there and I also understand that you are tired. He will never find another woman like you, you took in his son, dealt with the other bitches, never complained or nothing, was always there when he needed you and all he did was give you his ass to kiss.”
                  Mykell interrupted me. “Man, Pops—“
                  “Are you interrupting me Mykell? I just know like hell you not.”
                  “Nah, go ahead.”
                  “I thought so,” I went back to Neicey. “Like I was saying, you’re a good woman, but you need to open up your mouth and tell that nigga how you feel. If you don’t like the shit he doing, call him out on it. Put him in his place like you have done before. I know you feel like you’re wasting your time but do it anyways. Mykell loves you just as much as you love him but he doesn’t know how to show you. He has too much pride. But trust me baby girl when I say that he loves you, no doubt. He’s never had someone to love him as hard as you since his mother. Now you just take care of my grandsons and stop worrying about his ass until he can you show you that he’s ready to be with you.”
                  “Micah and Janae, y’all are straight for now. Just don’t make me have to sit down and talk to you too. Yall stressing me out now.”
                  “Nah, we good Pops.” Micah laughed.
                  “Good, now I’m going to watch my shows. Let y’all selves out. This meeting is adjourned,” I said before heading upstairs shaking my head at my kids that I wouldn’tchange for nothing.
                  I can’t believe my dad tried to make me out to be the bad guy. No lie though, he said some real shit. Leave it up to my pops to get everybody in order. I was playing Grand Theft Auto 5 with MJ when I heard the doorbell ring. Who the fuck could this be? I knew it wasn’t Candy’s ass because I gave that ditzy bitch the boot after I found out her and Neicey got into a fight at the hospital. I don’t care if me and Neicey not on good terms, I’ll never allow a bitch or nigga to disrespect her. That’s kind of crazy seeing how I called her everything in the book at the hospital but I didn’t mean it. I was just speaking on pure emotions. I really do regret that shit.
                  I got up to answer the door but nobody was there. A manila folder was on the ground with my name in black marker written across the front.
                  I sat on the couch and opened up the folder. “The fuck!” I said taking pictures out the folder.
                  “What’s wrong dad?” MJ asked.
                  “Nothing MJ,” I said never looking

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