Three Rings and a Rose

Free Three Rings and a Rose by Mia Ashlinn

Book: Three Rings and a Rose by Mia Ashlinn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mia Ashlinn
Tags: Romance, Inc., Siren-BookStrand
she’d confessed her proclivity for dirty talk sooner rather than later.
    They could have been steaming up the phone lines months ago when he travelled for this job or that one.
    Before she could even reach for the phone, her pussy responded knowingly, and she had to swallow a moan. Snagging the wash rag next to her quickly, she dried one hand then answered his call. “Hey baby. I was just thinking about you and your big, hard cock sliding into my wet pussy.”
    Caedon’s deep chuckled came over the line. “Oh really? Well, I was imagining what it felt like to push my aching cock inside you and pump it into you until you screamed my name.”
    “Bring it on,” she murmured cheekily, her voice dropping to a throaty tone. As she switched the phone to her other ear, she didn’t pay any mind to the moisture on her left hand. She could buy another damn phone if she had to. Right now, she was more focused on the man she was talking to and the tingle in her pussy.
    Ella slipped her hands under the water, her fingers going to one of her favorite places to play—her nipples. The pointed nubs were at full attention, demanding for her ministrations. And she gave one of them her undivided attention. Tweaking her nipple, she moaned. “Oh, God, Caedon. I miss you.”

    Mia Ashlinn
    “And I miss you, sunshine,” he replied. “I miss spending time with you. I miss talking to you. God knows that I miss making love with you.”
    Caedon’s sensual voice washed over her, and her cunt melted. Her quivering core gushed moisture for him, preparing for the orgasm that was coming for it. Unable to wait any longer, she glided her fingers down to her pussy and penetrated herself swiftly with three fingers.
    “Tell me what you would do to me if you were here.” She heard a shuffle over the line as he obviously got comfortable for the long, lusty talk ahead of them. Closing her eyes, she visualized him naked and aroused. She saw him taking his thick cock in his giant hand and masturbating. “I would take your mouth with mine, and I would kiss you until you couldn’t breathe. Then I would drift downward, nibbling on your neck and the top of your chest before settling on those tight nipples of yours. I would lick them exactly the way you like me to. Then I would suck them into my mouth and…Shit, my phone is ringing.”
    “Ignore it,” she said, “ please. ”
    But before either of them could continue, her phone rang as well.
    “Fuck, there goes mine, too.” Distracted by the sudden stalling of their sexual talk, her hand paused, but she didn’t retreat. “We need to answer it. Something might be wrong. I’ll call you right back.”
    “Yeah,” he agreed then he was gone. And so was she.
    Hanging up, she switched over to the other call and murmured,
    “Hello,” her irritation plainly evident to whoever was on the line.
    “Do you have a comment about the video and photographs that a man named Joseph McLemore released to the press only an hour ago?” an unknown woman asked before bombarding her with a half dozen more questions. “Who’s Joseph? What’s he to you? Who threw the party? Where was it? Who was there? Can you give me any other details?”
    Startled, Ella jerked upright, pulling her fingers out of her pussy abruptly. “What?” she screeched. But she already knew the answer.

    Three Rings and a Rose
    She knew exactly who Joseph was, and she knew what the woman was speaking of. Only she’d had no clue that there was a video or photos of the night her boyfriend had convinced her to go to a party that had quickly spun out of control.
    She’d been naïve and in love. Or she’d thought she was, and she would have done anything to make Joseph happy, even attend a party when she hated those kinds of events. So despite her initial hesitation about partying it up with people she didn’t know, she’d gone with him. However, she’d had to haul her ass out of there after a mere ten minutes. The drugs, alcohol, and

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