The Heat is On

Free The Heat is On by Elle Kennedy

Book: The Heat is On by Elle Kennedy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elle Kennedy
knew this was Savannah’s way of distancing herself, though. She’d been doing it ever since the beach. The sex was stil as hot and passionate as before, but the emotional barrier Savannah kept in front of her heart had only seemed to grow higher.
    “I’m in the mood for something different tonight,” Savannah announced, a sensual smile curving her mouth.
    Matt’s guard shot up. “What kind of different?” He had to raise his voice over the din.
    Her gaze swept over the throng of bodies in the bar. She lingered for a moment on a tal , blond-haired guy wearing a Chargers footbal jersey. “Him, maybe?
    What do you think, is he good in bed?” Uneasiness washed through him. “What are you suggesting, darlin’?”
    She shrugged, and the loose wide-necked shirt she wore slid down, revealing her bare shoulder. “Might be fun to have some company tonight.” A threesome. Christ, she was actual y suggesting a goddamn threesome.
    His first instinct was to shout “hel no”. Not that he was a prude or anything. He and Ryan had indulged in plenty of threesomes. So had he and Aidan Rhodes.
    Yet Savannah’s proposition absolutely floored him.
    Especial y since he knew it was just another part of her plan to push him away. She probably expected him to balk at the idea, storm out in disgust.
    Or…maybe she was actual y serious.
    He couldn’t deny that he’d met his match in the form of Savannah Harte. She loved sex just as much as he did, and she was always quick to initiate a fun way to spice things up. Like the other night, when they’d ordered that Chinese food and she proceeded to lick low mein noodles off his stomach. She definitely knew how to have a good time.
    So did he. Usual y. But right now…shit, was she serious or should he cal her bluff?
    He decided to test the waters first.
    “You want some random guy to join us tonight?” There was a sharp edge to his voice.
    Her gray eyes twinkled. “Why not? According to Annabel e, you’re no stranger to threesomes.”
    “Annabel e told you about that night?”
    “Yup. And she also said it wasn’t an isolated incident, for you, anyway.” Savannah leaned forward with a teasing expression, and the neckline of her shirt sagged lower, revealing her creamy-white cleavage.
    Trying not to look at those mouthwatering tits, Matt kept his gaze on her face, studying her. “Threesomes can be entertaining,” he said neutral y.
    “Exactly. So let’s do it.”
    Before he could respond, a familiar voice sounded from behind, and then Aidan Rhodes strode up to their table. “O’Connor,” he said, raising his beer in greeting. “What’s going on, bro?” He noticed Savannah and grinned, the dimples in his cheeks popping out. “Who’s your beautiful friend?” Interest flickered across Savannah’s face as she appraised Aidan. Matt wondered if she found Rhodes attractive. He wasn’t into guys, but even he had to admit that Rhodes had it going on. Six feet tal , strong jaw, perpetual stubble, and of course, those dimples.
    Annabel e had once told Matt that women loved dimples.
    “This is Savannah. Savannah, this is Aidan,” Matt introduced, then gestured to the empty chair at their table. “Have a seat, man.”
    Aidan sank down and took a long swal ow of beer.
    “I’m not interrupting anything, am I? I came here with a few other guys from base, but two of them have already hooked up with total strangers and the third might be throwing up in the bathroom.”
    “Your friends left you al alone?” Savannah mocked, laughing softly.
    Aidan’s dark eyes swept over her, zeroing in on the cleavage Matt had been trying to avoid. “They sure did. Good thing I found some new friends.” Matt sipped his own beer, watching the casual interplay between Savannah and Rhodes. Nearly an hour passed, and although Matt had been an active participant in the conversation, cracking jokes with Aidan, his mind was somewhere else the entire time.
    He watched Savannah and Aidan interact,

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