Chained: A Bad Boy Romance

Free Chained: A Bad Boy Romance by Nora Flite, Leah Holt

Book: Chained: A Bad Boy Romance by Nora Flite, Leah Holt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nora Flite, Leah Holt
to the hole. It seemed like ages since my eyes had graced his face. I couldn't wait for him to walk through my door.
    I was ready to  feel his presence. The days between seemed never ending.
    I missed him.
    I couldn't believe that crossed my mind. I shouldn't feel this way. Missing him was crazy.
    My stomach felt like it was in my throat. There were so many questions to ask. I wondered if he thought about me while he was in there. Could he feel me thinking about him?
    I can't believe I'm this nervous. What the hell, Charlie? Get a grip! I thought as I stared at the door waiting for Owen.
    A heavy breath escaped my lungs as I tried to gain some self-control. I began to rub my hands against my skirt to erase the sweat that had formed. I felt foolish over the way my body had been reacting.
    This is crazy! Settle down.
    I glanced up at the clock, there were twenty minutes left before he would be here. I had been given a longer session with him today, an extra half hour. I was excited to know I had more time with him than usual.
    The parole board wanted me to extend our meeting after his little stunt in the community room. With it being so close to his release they wanted to make sure he didn't take any more risks.
    They needed to know he understood that what he did was wrong and it could really mess up his release. The hearing had been delayed a week already because of that fight.
    I knew he had helped someone in need, but they wouldn't hear what I had to say. I was just told  to save it and put it all in my report. I was getting really fed up with everyone around here not listening to what I had to say.
    My report was going to lay it all out for them, I knew what I was doing.
    I was really turned off by the fact that everyone was so dismissive of his actions in that room. They wanted to know nothing. All they cared about was that he fought someone, that was it. The reason was unimportant.
    It seemed everyone around here was aiming for his failure. I looked at the facts and tried to find the truth. He intrigued me to the point of obsession. I hadn't been able to get him out of mind since day one.
    I needed to see him, hear him, talk to him. I knew that time would be soon and I was ready. I watched the second hand tick by on the clock, I glared at it, wishing it to move faster.
    I leaned back in my seat, fiddling my pen between my fingers in anticipation. My whole body felt wired just waiting for him.
    The lock on my door rang as it jetted back from its security. It opened, and in my mind it seemed like slow motion.
    In the doorway I was faced by the outline of his figure. His mass blocked the hall lighting, it shielded his face in a shadow. I could feel my breathing getting heavier before Owen even stepped into the room.
    Here we go. My legs trembled like they were cold. I sat up straight and crossed one ankle over the other, hoping it would ease the shaking.
    His face gleamed under the florescent lights of the ceiling as he entered. The aura he emitted over took me. Our eyes locked on each other, Owen's appeared brighter than I remembered. The hair that usually draped across his forehead had been combed back tightly.
    Wow, he looks refreshed. Not as worn as I expected.
    There were two guards with him today.
    Huh, that's strange, normally there's only one. I bet it's because they see him as a threat now. Or maybe they just want him to feel even more powerless in their grasp.
    His eyes were fixated on me as the larger guard secured his thick wrists in their place at the table, the other fastening his ankles to the floor.
    A smile tried to spread across my face. I used all my effort to keep my lips retracted. An outpouring of butterflies filled my stomach. Look away. Just look at something else, don't get pulled into him. I quickly glanced down and brushed my hair behind my ear.
    The two guards turned and walked towards the door, but only one of them exited.
    The other remained.
    “Thank you, I'm all set here,” I said. I didn't

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