Falling for Alexander (Corkscrew Bay #2)

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Book: Falling for Alexander (Corkscrew Bay #2) by Claire Robyns Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire Robyns
hers, looking into her eyes. “If you’re going to slap me, cara , now would be the time.”
    Her eyes softened with a longing he recognised within. “ I really should.”
    “ Probably,” he agreed, sliding his hands up her back and over the curve of her shoulders, further, spearing his fingers through the silky layers of her hair, tilting her head up to him.
    He feathered kisses over her lips, teasing them both, savouring the tremor of her warm breath. Her fingers bunched into the thin material at his chest, hanging onto him as her mouth melted against his. He deepened the kiss, plunging inside with his tongue, stroking, mating. He slid one hand from her hair, down her back, over the firm curve of her backside, pressing her into him. Fire licked him at every point of contact, her breasts against his chest, her soft belly against his thick erection, the full length of her legs melded between his.
    Desire throbbed through him as he tasted every inch of her delicious mouth, drinking her in, his body charged with the feminine curves pressed to him, already demanding far more than he could take on the side of this public street. Reluctantly, he ended the kiss, his pulse as ragged as her small breaths when he withdrew.
    Already, he missed the claim he ’d staked on her mouth.
    Her fingers uncurled over his chest. Her eyes opened into his. “ Alex…”
    “ Sei una follia, la mia bella ,” he murmured, feeling the pull at his groin, the tightness in his chest, the longing that was still building instead of subsiding. He dropped his hands from her, taking a step back, needing to reclaim control.
    She chewed her lower lip. “ You do realise I don’t speak Italian,” she said. “For all I know, you just insulted me. Although I like the sound of that mia bella at the end.”
    She was teasing, but he heard the trace of uncertainty as well. A testament to how badly they ’d both behaved thus far.
    “ I said you were a madness, my lovely.” A smile settled on his mood as his gaze drifted over silky blonde hair mussed from his fingers, sleepy eyes still slightly glazed from desire, lips swollen with his kisses, nipples pebbled against her T-shirt from arousal. “A beautiful madness taken hold of me.”
    “ Is that a line from one of your songs?”
    He pinned her with his gaze, with his intent. “ Not yet.”
    As the rumble of a diesel engine came from behind, a shadow moved over her face, lifting the sultry softne ss. “I have to go.”
    He glanced over his shoulder to see a bus had turned in at the top of the street. He turned back to her. “ You’re coming with me.”
    She shook her head.
    “Be reasonable, Kate.” His gaze swept the full length of the street. “You don’t even know how far it is to the next bus stop.”
    “ I’m not your responsibility.”
    “ I disagree.”
    Her brows went up. “ Because we kissed?” She brought a hand up, her index finger tracing her lips. “Is that why we kissed? Because you don’t know how to take no for an answer?”
    “ Kate,” he said, raising his voice to be heard over the encroaching rumble. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
    “ It doesn’t matter.” She moved around him, stepping off the sidewalk. “We shouldn’t have— We can’t be. Even I’m not that crazy.”
    A lexander turned with her. He’d forgotten this. How infuriating she could be.
    She put her arm out, waving down the bus.
    “It’s a bus, not a cab,” he scoffed, then cursed as the hiss of airbrakes indicated the damn bus was indeed making an unscheduled stop.
    S he arched a brow at him. “That’s small town service for you.”
    “ Kate, you don’t want to do this.”
    “ Oh, but Alexander, I do.” The door hissed open and she jumped up onto the wide step, pausing only to shoot him a smile. “Nice meeting you, Alexander… I think.”
    The door hissed closed, leaving him standing on the side of the street. What the hell had just happened?


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