Champagne Toast

Free Champagne Toast by Melissa Brown

Book: Champagne Toast by Melissa Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Brown
breath.  My lungs feel like they ’ re about to burst from my laughter.
    “ Just don ’ t wear that stupid piece of cheddar on your head! ” I shout, throwing my head back.
    “ I won ’ t, ” Evan says.  He stops tickling me all at once.  Struggling to catch my breath, I look at him.  He leans on his elbow and stares at me, making me feel naked.  One gaze from this man, and I ’ m stripped down to my core, confused, aroused and frightened of never having moments like this again.  Loving Evan is like nothing I ’ ve ever felt before.  Together for more than a year and it never feels like enough.  I want a lifetime with him , and it scares the living shit out of me.
    “ What is it? ” Evan asks, narrowing his eyes and scrunching his brow together.  I know he ’ s trying to read my thoughts, which is so impossible because my mind is always going in a million different directions.  I love him, I need him, I ’ m scared, I ’ m blissful . . . it ’ s amazing I can even keep up.  It ’ s overwhelming.
    Placing my hand on the side of his face, I open my mouth to tell him how I ’ m feeling, but instead I chicken out and say, “ I ’ m just imagining you with a slice of sharp cheddar on top of your head. ”
    Evan chuckles and asks, “ Oh really? ”
    “ Yeah, I think you could probably pull it off, ” I smirk, raising an eyebrow.
    “ Man, I hope so.  I wore that thing for years, ” he says as he rolls over to lay on his back, putting his hand behind his head, his other laying on his chest as he stares up at the ceiling.
    “ I hate to interrupt your walk down memory lane, but we ’ d better head into the city.  The game starts soon, ” I remind him, sitting up in the bed.
    “ Yeah, you ’ re right.  Let ’ s do this, sweets .” He hops out of bed and grabs his coat, scarf and hat.  I add one more sweater to my already sweating body, knowing I ’ ll be happy for the warmth in just a few minutes when we leave the apartment and hop on the train.
    A train ride, followed by a cab ride later, we are entering Soldier Field along with thousands of other Bears and Packers fans.  I ’ ve lived in the Chicagoland area my entire life, but this is my first game, and I love that Evan is with me.  He ’ s grinning like a little boy and it ’ s the most charming thing I ’ ve ever seen.  He holds my hand tight as we make our way to our seats, which are pretty decent.
    “ Thank you, Dad, ” Evan says as we sit down in our seats.  A cool gust of evening air hits my cheeks and I pull my scarf up higher to shield my already chilled skin from the cold. “ These seats are awesome. Right along the 40 yard line. ”
    “ I ’ ll be sure to thank him when we see your folks, ” I reply.
    “ Couple of days, ” he says, rubbing his gloved hands together in front of him. “ Can ’ t wait to have you all to myself for Christmas, baby.  No bar, no classes, just you and me. ”
    “ And your parents, ” I add, a tinge of uneasiness in my voice.
    “ Yeah, for a few hours, but mostly it ’ ll just be us.  Aren ’ t you excited? ”
    “ Of course, Ev.  Just nervous to meet your folks, ” I admit.
    “ You have nothing to worry about.  They know I ’ m crazy about you and they ’ re gonna feel the same way, I know it .”  He winks at me, wraps his arm around me and rubs my arms to keep me warm.  My toes begin to feel the chill beneath my boots and I ’ m wishing I ’ d put on a couple more pairs of socks.  But, it ’ s all worth it because Evan is sitting next to me, enamored by the game, the stadium, the people surrounding us in the stands.  And I find myself completely caught up in his happiness.  I think I ’ ve fallen even more in love with him tonight.  I didn ’ t realize that was possible.
    Several hours later, our faces are bright red from the obscene amount of wind in the freezing air.  The game went into overtime, which pissed me off. By the time the fourth quarter

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