The Inn at Eagle Point

Free The Inn at Eagle Point by Sherryl Woods

Book: The Inn at Eagle Point by Sherryl Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sherryl Woods
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance
have been offered in the first place. I think we could make a case that the
bank was hoping she'd get herself into financial trouble just so they could
foreclose and lay claim to the inn once she'd poured a lot of money into

Trace stared at her incredulously. "You can't be serious. You think this
was the bank's fault?"

She smiled. "I do."

"You're crazy!"

"Want to test my theory in court? I think people are furious over the kind
of lending practices that turned the whole industry upside down. I think we
could make Jess into a very sympathetic victim."

Trace regarded her with a glimmer of new respect. "Not bad. You almost had
me going there for a minute."

"I wasn't joking," Abby assured him. "My next stop will be a
lawyer's office unless I can make you see reason."

He looked taken aback. "I'll have to take this proposal of yours to the
board," he said eventually.

"Of course. They meet tomorrow?"

"At ten o'clock," he told her.

"Then you should have an answer by noon?"

He nodded. "I'll meet you at the yacht club at twelve-fifteen and fill you
in over lunch."

Abby hesitated. She could stay, had planned to stay, in fact, but with Trace
involved it was too complicated. "Jess will be there, but I can't be. I
have to get back to New York tonight."

His gaze clashed with hers. "You'll be there if you expect this to be

"Why? This is Jess's business, not mine."

"You'll be there because I intend to recommend that the board approve this
on one condition only."

Jess sat up a little straighter. "What condition?" she asked

Trace looked at her as if he'd forgotten she was even in the room. "That
your sister take over as manager of the project."

"No!" Abby and Jess said at once.

"It's my inn," Jess protested. "You have no right to dictate who
manages it."

"I do when this bank's money is involved and you have a history of failing
to make your payments," he said, his gaze unrelenting. "Abby stays or
it's a deal-breaker."

"But the plan," Abby began.

"Isn't worth the paper it's written on unless you remain involved,"
he said. "There's no assurance it won't be frittered away on who knows
what before the next payment's due."

"Come on, Trace, be reasonable," Abby pleaded. "I need to get
back to New York. I have a job. Jess knows what has to be done. I trust

"You're her sister. I'm her banker," he said. "Unless you agree
to my terms, we'll proceed with the foreclosure."

He looked from Abby to Jess, then back again. "Well, what's it going to
be? Will I see you tomorrow?"

Abby bit back the sharp retort on the tip of her tongue and nodded slowly,
afraid of what she might say if she spoke. She held her breath, praying that
Jess would be as diplomatic. When she glanced at her sister, she discovered
Jess looked furious, but at least she remained silent.

For the moment, he had them both over a barrel and they all knew it. Once the
board went along with this insane plan of his, though, Abby was convinced he'd
be satisfied with the victory. After that, she could make him see reason. She
was sure of it.

Then again, she'd learned a long time ago that a man whose pride had been
damaged could turn into a fierce and stubborn adversary. For now, anyway, Trace
Riley held all the cards, so she and Jess were going to have to play the game
his way…at least until she could come up with a new set of rules, and then make
him believe that he'd come up with them all on his own.
* *
    Outside the bank, Jess stood on the sidewalk, trembling. She
whirled on her sister.

"What the hell just happened in there? I thought you were on my

"Of course I'm on your side," Abby said, looking genuinely bewildered
by Jess's attack. "This was all about keeping you from losing the

"I might as well have lost it," Jess snapped. "He's put you in
charge. Way to go, sis!"

Abby frowned. "Jess, calm down. Let's go to Sally's for a cup of coffee
and talk about this. We need to plan our

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