Free UNDER HIS SPELL by Rachel Carrington

Book: UNDER HIS SPELL by Rachel Carrington Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Carrington
to share with me?”   She managed
to stand and holding her hands against her thighs, she continued to drag fresh
air into her lungs.   “That took twenty
years off my life.   Of course, you don’t
have to worry about that, being immortal and all.   Why haven’t you answered me?   What in the hell was that?”
    Skye finally looked at Rane and what she saw startled her.   His skin was the color of primed metal, his
eyes almost glassy.   He swayed where he
stood and Skye quickly pushed herself beneath his arm.
    “Come on.   I have to get you
back to the other wizards.   They can fix
you.”   She talked to him as they walked.   The words came out sounding deceptive even to
her own ears.  
    The wizards couldn’t fix Rane without her help and she couldn’t help
them.   As much as she was starting to
care for Rane, she couldn’t risk Emily’s life.   If one had to die, it would have to be Rane, no matter how much the
thought made her sick.  
    Falcon greeted them at the door.   “I sensed something was wrong.”   He lifted Rane’s bodily as if he were a small child.   “I will take care of him.”
    Skye stood uncertainly in the middle of the grand entrance.   “How can I help?”
    Silver eyes raked her almost scathingly.   “You can return to your room and stay there
until someone comes for you.”
    Her back stiffened.   “I want
to help him.”
    Falcon began walking away from her.   “You cannot help him, witch.   You
should not be here at all.”
    Skye watched him leave and while anger burned in her at the wizard’s
high-handed manner, she knew he only spoke the truth.
    “You shouldn’t worry about Falcon.   He would never hurt you.”
    Skye whirled around to find the face behind the voice.   A slim woman with copper hair, which fell to
her waist and a genuine smile, approached her, followed closely by a shorter
woman wearing a long, flowing white dress.  
    Skye took a step back, viewing both women with suspicion.   “Who are you?”
    The first woman held out her hand.   “My name is Danni.   I’m Falcon’s
    “And I’m Tess.   I’m Jaxon’s
wife.”   The smaller woman came forward to
stand at Danni’s side.
    “Why would you talk to me when you know your husbands would not
    Tess laughed a light tinkling sound.   “I always do things my husband doesn’t approve of.   It keeps him on his toes.”   She winked and hooked her arm through
Skye’s.   “Why don’t the three of us go
somewhere and have a little chat?   I’m
sure Falcon’s going to be busy for a while with Rane.”
    Skye looked over her shoulder as Jaxon’s wife led her away, but the
corridor was empty and Falcon had extinguished the lights.  

The two women flanked her and as they entered a chrome galley, Skye
noticed that at least one woman was at her side at all times.   Tess stood by her while Danni made tea and
then Danni escorted her to a small table while Tess gathered scones and
    Skye’s lips twitched.   “You
say you don’t mind angering your husbands and yet, you don’t fully trust
me.   Why would you risk their wrath to
talk to me?”
    Danni and Tess exchanged glances.   Danni finally spoke in a low voice.   “We need to know some answers.”
    “I’m not sure I can give them to you.”
    Tess leaned in and covered Skye’s hand with her own.   “Just promise us you aren’t here to harm
    Skye leaped to her feet so fast the chair clattered to the tiled
floor.   “I won’t promise you
anything.   I don’t know you and if you’re
trying to finagle information out of me to take back to the other wizards, I
can’t help you.”   She marched toward the
exit.   “And the next time you want
information, don’t do it under the guise of friendship.”
    Sabrina had never cared for the rain, but every summons brought a
downpour.   Viciously, she cursed below
her breath while darting through the air, her speed

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