Conklin's Blueprints

Free Conklin's Blueprints by Brooke Page

Book: Conklin's Blueprints by Brooke Page Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brooke Page
said you had to jump into it?  See how it plays out.  He practically owns the company; he has to be good husband material,” she said, sitting up and putting her empty plate in the dishwasher.
    She almost sounded like my mother.  I didn’t want someone just because they would be good husband material.  That was what Connor was and look how well that turned out.
    By Sunday morning Jamie and I finally had our condo looking and feeling like home.  We both slept in and took our time getting ready to go to my parents for Sunday dinner.  They lived about 20 minutes from the city.  I hadn’t had time to get a car yet, so I told my mother it would be okay if Roger chauffeured us.  He arrived timely and met us at our front door.
    “Hi Roger, you remember Jamie Rae?”
    He put his hand out to Jamie, “Of course.  How are you ladies doing this afternoon?”  He was polite as always.  We all went down the elevator and hopped into the Navigator.  I was fidgety the entire time.
    “Would you relax?  Your mother can’t possibly say anything to embarrass you in front of me.  I have heard everything from that crazy woman.” Jamie frowned.
    “I’m just hoping she hasn’t heard about Ashlynn and Connor,” I whispered.  My mother was livid when she found out what happened between the three of us.  For once she took my side.  She was still good friends with Ashlynn’s mother and even brought it up to her.  Ashlynn’s mother was just like her daughter and tried to make it sound like it was bound to happen because Connor and I weren’t a good match.  My mother couldn’t believe Ashlynn’s mom was defending her actions.  I guess she hadn’t talked to her ever since they fought about the infidelity.  It made me happy she was on my side, but like Jamie, she was furious I let Ashlynn still be in my life.  But she wasn’t in my life, not really.  I tried to block her out, at least mentally.  I never talked to her the same way, rarely answered her calls or text messages.  But whenever I would, she would act like nothing had changed.
    We pulled up to my parent’s estate and walked to the front door.  My mother was there instantly to greet us with open arms.  “I’m so glad you girls could make it!  Wow Becca, you are almost to your goal weight finally, aren’t you?  Jamie, you look sensational as always!”  Jamie grimaced at my mother’s crude comment to me.  I just shook my head and let it slide.  I was used to her opening her mouth and not being able to control what she said.
    It looked like Jamie and I were the only ones who would be joining my parents for family dinner.  My brother was sick and Heather and Ray were still on vacation.  My parents were watching my niece, Josie. 
    We all sat down in the living room while Josie played with her toys on the floor.  My father opened his arms for me to come hug him as he sat in his chair reading the newspaper.  He always looked so peaceful; you would never know he rarely slept and practically ran a city.
    “So darling, how are you doing?”  My mother asked me as if I were a small child.  The tone she took with me told me she knew about Connor and Ashlynn and didn’t know if I had heard.
    “I’m fine mom.  Work is keeping me busy, and now Jamie is here.  I have nothing to put me down.”
    My mother’s face went pale.
    “Mom, I know about the engagement.  You don’t have to walk on eggshells around me.  It’s fine, I hope they are happy,” I whispered.
    Jamie let out a loud groan, “I hope that bitch trips and falls down the aisle!”
    My mother winced at Jamie’s curse, but then agreed, “Yes, she doesn’t deserve Connor.”
    Oh gosh, not this rant again.
    “Connor is a well-respected young man; he doesn’t deserve to be with a prissy selfish girl like Ashlynn,” my mother said matter of fact.
    “He doesn’t deserve to be with anyone!” Jamie sneered.
    My father tried to suppress his laughter while my mother looked

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