Conklin's Blueprints

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Book: Conklin's Blueprints by Brooke Page Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brooke Page
sheepish.  Seeing this conversation was going nowhere, I stood up and said, “Is dinner ready?  Can I help with anything?”  Can I do anything besides talk about Connor?
    “Well, nothing beats a dinner at the Stine household,” Jamie sighed.  “How did you live with that?”
    I shook my head, “You wondered why I was so reserved.  I had to hide under the rug in that house.”
    “Well Becca, your siblings skipped out on dinner, so we can skip out now, too!” She said, hitting my thigh.  “You just need to learn how to say no, Bec.”
    Roger dropped us off at the condo and said goodbye.  It was only 4:00pm, and I wondered what Tyler was doing.  He said he slept all day on Sundays, but maybe he meant he just lounged? 
    “I’m going to go lay down for a bit,” I said to Jamie, wandering to my side of the condo.   She shrugged her shoulders and went off to her hallway.
    I laid on my bed and stared at my phone.  Should I text him?  Call him?  It’s less invasive if I text, so if he were sleeping he wouldn’t hear it.  Oh what the hell .  I grabbed my phone and started to text.
    I hope you are enjoying your lazy day :o)-Becca
    I sat and stared at my phone, willing it to buzz with a text from him.  I sat, and sat, and sat.  Nothing.  I sighed and decided to jump in the hot tub and try not to daydream about him.
    The next morning, I still hadn’t received a text from Tyler.  I thought it was strange, but maybe he was sleeping and saw it then forgot about it?  Then I thought to myself, why do I care?  It’s not like we were dating or even good friends.  Maybe he just didn’t receive my text.
    All day Monday and Tuesday I was very aware of my surroundings at work.  I kept hoping to see Tyler.  I saw Nathan once, but no Tyler following after him.  Then Wednesday morning on my way into the building I saw him standing and looking at the statue in front of the Conklin building.  Suddenly feeling nervous, I debated about walking up to him.  He still hadn’t answered my text or called.  I slowly approached him as his eyes were still fixed on the statue.
    “Hey, did you have a good time in Chicago?” My voice practically squeaked.
    He slowly turned his head to look at me then back to the statue with a blank expression.  “Business as usual,” he sighed.
    The air was heavy, and I didn’t know what else to say.  Obviously he had things on his mind.  “Well… I guess I will see you around,” was the only thing I could think to say.
    He gave me a nod then pulled out his phone.  I quickly walked into the building, wishing I hadn’t approached him. 
    My day dragged on until lunch.  I decided to go sit outside and enjoy the crisp fall day.  Soon winter would be here and it would be too cold to be outside.  I sat on the bench, trying desperately to push Tyler and his bleakness towards me this morning out of my head.  Then I heard an ear splitting voice from behind me.

Chapter 5
    “Becca!  I have been trying to get ahold of you!  Is your phone broken?” Ashlynn screeched.  People on the other side of the busy street could hear her she was so loud.
    “Hey… Ashlynn.  What are you doing here?” I croaked.
    “Oh Becca!  I’m setting up my shop!  My mom said you were working for Conklin, so since you weren’t returning my calls or messages I thought I would stop by!” she said to me as though I were a loon.  I tried to muster a smile. My stomach wanted to hurl out of my mouth and into her lap.  I hated that she looked perfect.  She had her blonde hair in an intricate braid, and she was wearing a light blue low cut blouse and tight white pants with extremely high blue heels.  She must have been six inches taller than usual.  I felt frumpy sitting in front of her.  I was wearing dark khaki pants and a burnt orange button up blouse.  I hastily threw my hair up and only had time to put on mascara, and slid my feet into flats instead

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