Achieve Your Full Potential: 1800 Inspirational Quotes That Will Change Your Life

Free Achieve Your Full Potential: 1800 Inspirational Quotes That Will Change Your Life by Change Your Life Publishing

Book: Achieve Your Full Potential: 1800 Inspirational Quotes That Will Change Your Life by Change Your Life Publishing Read Free Book Online
Authors: Change Your Life Publishing
without getting a few drops on yourself."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
    "Of cheerfulness, or a good temper, the more it is spent, the more of it remains."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
    "If thou wilt make a man happy, add not unto his riches but take away from his desires."
    "It is the chiefest point of happiness that a man is willing to be what he is."
Desiderius Erasmus
    "Account no man happy till he dies."
    "Ten Spiritual Tonics
1. Stop worrying. Worry kills life.
2. Begin each day with a prayer. It will arm your soul.
3. Control appetite. Over-indulgence clogs body and mind.
4. Accept your limitations . . .
5. Don’t envy. It wastes time and energy.
6. Have faith in people. Cynicism sours the disposition.
7. Find a hobby. It will relax your nerves.
8. Read a book a week to stimulate imagination and broaden your views.
9. Spend some time alone for the peace of solitude and silence.
10. Try to want what you have, instead of spending your strength trying to get what you want."
Abraham L. Feinberg
    "It is not by accident that the happiest people are those who make a conscious effort to live useful lives. Their happiness, of course, is not a shallow exhilaration where life is one continuous intoxicating party. Rather, their happiness is a deep sense of inner peace that comes when they believe their lives have meaning and that they are making a difference for good in the world."
Ernest A. Fitzgerald
    "To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost."
Gustave Flaubert
    "How would you know what happy is if you've never been otherwise."
Malcolm S. Forbes
    "There is joy in work. All that money can do is buy us some one else's work in exchange for our own. There is no happiness except in the realization that we have accomplished something."
Henry Ford
    "There is no happiness except in the realization that we have accomplished something."
Henry Ford
    "A person is never happy except at the price of some ignorance."
Anatole France
    "Happiness consists more in small conveniences of pleasures that occur every day, than in great pieces of good fortune that happen but seldom to a man in the course of his life."
Benjamin Franklin
    "Human felicity is produced not so much by great pieces of good fortune that seldom happen, as by little advantages that occur every day."
Benjamin Franklin
    "The U.S. Constitution doesn't guarantee happiness, only the pursuit of it. You have to catch up with it yourself."
Benjamin Franklin
    "What is without us has no connection with happiness, only so far as the preservation of our lives and health depends upon it. . . .
Happiness springs immediately from the mind."
Benjamin Franklin
    "Not every age allows its sons to reap the results which remain great for all time, and . . . not every century is fitted to make the men who live in it distinguished and happy."
Gustave Freytag
    "Happiness is a man’s greatest achievement; it is the response of his total personality to a productive orientation toward himself and the world outside."
Erich Fromm
    "Happiness makes up in height for what it lacks in length."
Robert Lee Frost
    "He is happy that knoweth not himself to be otherwise"
Thomas Fuller
    "No man can be happy without a friend, nor be sure of his friend until he is unhappy."
Thomas Fuller
    "Happiness is a myth we seek ,
If manifested surely irks;
Like river speeding to the plain,
On its arrival slows and murks .
For man is happy only in
His aspiration to the heights ;
When he attains his goal, he cools
And longs for other distant flights."
Kahlil Gibran
    "If you would find happiness and joy, lose your life in some noble cause. A worthy purpose must be at the center of every worthy life."
Jack H. Goaslind , Jr.
    "Striving for happiness is a long, hard journey with many challenges. It requires eternal vigilance to win the victory. You cannot succeed with sporadic little flashes of effort. Constant and valiant living is necessary."

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