City of Champions
what he wanted, especially if they were easily manipulated by his charm. It wasn't something he was proud of, that was for sure. Also, the idea of taking advantage of someone just to better his career made him feel all kinds of shitty, but he had to do everything in his power to get out of this situation.
    Besides, Wyatt wasn't sure she was that innocent in all of this, anyway. It irked him that a team-approved orthopedic surgeon was watching him play. She even knew he had an issue with his shoulder. That fact had been kept completely secret. If the team was trying to have her gauge his health from a luxury box, then he was sure as hell going to make her get a more complete impression of how well he was actually doing.
    Just let her try to ignore me now, he thought smugly to himself.
    "We might want to choose a physician of our own, John, like the…" Gabe chattered on.
    "Like the CBA permits you to do? Sure, you can do that. But I'm sure you're also aware that Wyatt's shoulder isn't the only thing giving us pause when his contract is up this year.”
    John turned his head slightly, pinning Wyatt with a serious stare. “Coach is very worried that you've never taken on leadership in the locker room. You're unfocused in practice, and on the field. You haven't bonded with your teammates in any real way. We tried to overlook your reputation from when you were in Dallas, but I'm not sure if we can anymore. We've got a lot of rookies on the team that could really use the guidance from someone that's been in the league for as many seasons as you have, but you're too isolated. You come in, do your time and leave — that's not how we do things here in Pittsburgh. This is a family institution, and the quarterback needs to be an important part of that family," John rattled off, leaning back in his chair.
    Wyatt could feel his hands clenching into fists — desperate to shut this asshole up.
    Wyatt didn't need to listen to this bullshit anymore. He had a plan of his own, and it didn't involve listening to Gabe and these team bosses bicker at each other.
    "This one. Dr. Sutherland. She'll do," Wyatt stated assuredly, tossing the folder onto the table. Her pretty face was staring up at all of them — glowing like an unsuspecting angel against the manila folder backdrop.
    "Jenna Sutherland?" Tom asked, his eyes widening with shock at Wyatt's pronouncement. And it gave Wyatt a strange thrill to see he'd thrown the guy off-balance.
    "Absolutely. Is that a problem?"
    "Of course not, she's very popular with our players, has been requested several times before…it's just…" Tom sputtered out.
    "John put her bio in there. I chose her. I told you I can be a team guy," Wyatt answered, staring Tom dead in the eye.
    "I'm glad to see it, Wyatt. It's no problem, of course we like your pick," John said, looking questioningly at Tom. "We'll set it up."
    "Wyatt, we don't have to decide now," Gabe whispered to him in a hushed tone.
    "Why wait? I've got nothing to hide. I'm ready to move forward. Thanks, Tom, thanks, John."
    "You got it," John said, standing and walking them out of the room. "Wyatt, I like you. You know I believed you could have a lot of success here when we brought you in. I still do."
    They'd barely made it out of the building on the way to their cars before Gabe looked at him with utter confusion.
    "Why the hell did you choose this surgeon? How can you be so confident? Do you know something I don't?" Gabe asked.
    "She's younger…and a woman."
    "And you have a way with younger women?"
    "Generally, yes. And I'm pretty confident I have a way with this particular woman."
    "What's that supposed to mean? Why was Tom so hesitant in there? Those are their list of docs, so what was that all about?" Gabe asked.
    "Because I've met her before. He saw me ask her out. He's probably terrified I have her in my back pocket already. I will soon though, don't worry."
    "You're kidding."
    "You know I never kid about my career. Look, it worked with

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